Ch.8 Rage

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"Who are you?!", says Brian.
The man answered.
"Your worst nightmare"
Only for the man to shoot his gun and the bullet missing him but hit Jasmyn in the stomach and sending her to fall back and hit the floor as Brian was shocked and enraged he pulls out his Bowie knife and runs at the man and wanting the mysterious man dead.

"Brian", whispered Jasmyn as she laid there lifeless on the ground.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH, IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!", yells Brian as he runs up to the man.
Brian misses his swing and takes a small knife to the leg, but Brian does not care, for he wanted this man dead. The man runs up to Brian only to block his flying knee and Brian counters with a body slam, Brian picks up his knife and throws it at the man and it ended up being caught by the man. The man and Brian fight back and forth for 22 mins straight when suddenly Brian body armor wore off and Brian was stabbed in the stomach, screaming in pain he grabs the man by the throat and pulls out the knife from his stomach and stabs the man in the eye and picks up a gun and shoots him on the chest. He was finally dead.

"Jasmyn, oh no no no not you please, stay with me baby please stay with me, I can't live with out you, Jasmyn, JASMYN!",said Brian

"Brian......", says Jasmyn as she slowly fades.

The man suddenly sits up and pulls out a Gun and shoots Brian in the back of the head, then from a distance Jack pulls out his gun and shoots the man in the head.
"Oh shit Brian no!", says Jack in disbelief.
Soon the ambulance arrived and both Brian and Jasmyn were taken to the hospital.
3 weeks later....

*jasmyn wakes up*

"Good your up", says Jack.

"Where's Brian?!?", says Jasmyn.

"Jasmyn I don't know and easier way to say this but Brian was shot in the back of the head, there was no way he could survive his injury, it was a fatal shot and it damaged his nerve cells which caused him to bleed out fast and was paralyzed, I'm sorry but I'm afraid Brian passed away", say Jack. 

"No, why,  we were supposed to live together and live happily ever after and get married why now, oh my god I-i can't bare this rn I can't believe this is happening, I want to see him, now!, yelled Jasmyn in frustration.

"Ok after your released I'll take you just rest for a bit", says Jack.

"No, I don't want to rest I want to see him please Jack please I need to see him*breaks down into tears* please Jack I beg of you", cries Jasmyn.

"Let me talk to the nurses just hold on ok", says Jack.

"Ok", says Jasmyn while crying.

Jack goes to the nurses and asks if he can take Jasmyn out to see Brian's grave, and the nurses approve of his request.

"Ok Jasmyn here's some clothes, get dressed I'll wait outside the room for you", says Jack.

"Ok", says Jasmyn.

After 10 mins

"Tell me what happened back there, like explain what you saw before you were shot", asks Jack.

"All I remember was Bria- *a tear races down her check* I remember that he was protecting me from all these bad people then all of a sudden as we were leaving a man approached us at the exit and attacked me and Brian, brian was very upset and went at him and as I thought he had killed the mysterious man, he rushed over to me and I honestly thought I was going to die, he cried and beg me not to die and all of sudden I blacked out after I heard w gunshot, I'm guessing the man wasn't dead and killed Brian right?", says Jasmyn.

"Yeah I finished him off, for Brian, and I'm sorry you had to experience that, hell experience everything, I'm truly sorry, Brian would probably been disappointed in me", says Jack.

"No Brian is a nice person he would never be disappointed in anyone", says Jasmyn.

Jack and Jasmyn approach the cemetery gates.

"Y'all buried him next to his dad?", asked Jasmyn.

"Yeah I made sure now one took his spot, oh he wanted you to have this", says Jack.

*jack hands Jasmyn a letter from brian*

"Hello Jasmyn, if your reading this, I'm probably dead rn, I just wanted you to know that I love you with all my heart, and that now one can replace you, your my one and only and I would've wanted to spend all my life with you, someday we will meet and we will stay together forever, Jasmyn don't cry ok I will always be in your heart even if I'm not physically, I'm always with you.
                                 -Brian (ily)

*jasmyn begins to break down and realizes that the love of her life is forever gone but not in her heart*

"Jasmyn would you like to go home?", asked Jack.

"Yes please", says Jasmyn.

Jasmyn was finally home with her family and Jack left, it begins to rain and Jack sees the rain and it reminds him of the trading he did with Brian.

*phone rings*

"Hello", says Jack.

"Is it done?", says a mysterious man on the phone.

"Yes just like you told me, you really needed to do this?", asks Jack.

*man hangs up*

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