First day of school! Oh my gosh! Sixth grade!
I had layed out my best outfit last night: A pair of cutoff short shorts, my favorite purple tank top and my gray hoodie that read 'Stillwater middle school'.
I pulled on my clothes and clipped on my lucky necklace. On the pendant it read,
Light up your world.My dark red hair was gnarled but I managed to comb through it with a little struggle. It was very layered and long and I hated it at times. I pulled it back into a bun and my silver butterfly earrings flashed in the mirror. I smile and blink a few times, rubbing the tiredness away.
The street is damp from rain as I pedal through the blocks to school. Artemis is outside with her blue bike locked in the rack. I copy and we walk in together, grabbing a quick breakfast as my wet converse squeak across the white tiles.
"I'm so excited. Math is first." I was a math geek, I guess. But I really loved acting. I'd audition for the winter play, Romeo and Juliet.
It would be fun to be Juliet, all oldern style and fun up on the stage.
As we arrived at Mrs. Duncan's class she greeted us. She seemed really laid back and young. Pretty easy to relate to. But she had a seating chart. Ugh.
I ended up a table away from Artemis. Next to me was a kid named Riley who seemed pretty cool, but I didn't talk to him. I think he was a really cool kid. I wasn't as much. Across from us there was this girl named Ronnie who seemed like a Debbie-Downer to me. She criticized like, everyone in the class before the bell rang.
And then there's Justin. He can't help but burp, fart, or other disgusting noises or stuff. I really don't like him. He's gross. I sigh inwardly. My table for now is pretty much bleh. At least Riley seemed nice.
"Hey, kiddos! I'm Melissa Duncan. You can call me Mel. Instead of learning something today, we can start the yer with an introduction. Let's say our name and favorite book. I personally like The secret Garden."
Many kids recited names and books. I tallied that there was Jess, Beth, Hayden, Haley, Jacob, Misty, Ada, Colin, Tyler, Wilma, Angel, Scott, Fiona, Francis, and of course Arty.
Justin let out a loud belch, and me, Riley and Ronnie cringe from his foul breath. "I'm Justin, and I haven't read a book in like forever." Melissa nodded and bit her lip awkwardly. Even she didn't like Justin. "I'm Ronnie, I like The sisterhood of the traveling pants."
I nod. It's a good book.
"I'm Riley." He smiles, his pure white teeth twinkling. He flips his hair. "I like the book Holes."
It's me. "Hi, I'm Annelise." Eyes on me, I'm ready to take the spotlight. "I actually like the book War and Peace."
"Wow! You've read that? Impressive." Mel said, clapping her hands together. "That's great to Learn all of your names! Now, let's begin with something fun... Silent ball!"
Groans escape the mouths of everyone. I mean, we aren't third graders. But whatever, Mel is cool anyways.

Light of my life
RomanceTwo friends fall for two boys at their school. When they find out the feeling is mutual they decide to be brave. But two popular girls have it out for them big-time.