Party Time

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*Hey guys things are gonna get a little heated so mature readers only please. Thanks* <3

As she walked into the club, she felt a chill run down her back and turned to see an attractive man with an intense glare. She felt vulnerable under his stare, he was practically stripping away her clothes with his eyes. She blushed at the thought when her thoughts were interrupted by Kim.
"Why are you blushing? "she asked curiously with a smirk. Kim followed her eyes back to the man and giggled. "He's Sexy Lia, go ask him to dance." She felt embarrassed but before she could do anything a blonde waitress with too much makeup on in a kinky dress tapped on her shoulder and said "The owner would like you too see him in his office." Lia looked at her confused and asked were his office was. The lady directed her there and when she opened the door she couldn't believe what she saw.
"Hey there." The man with the intense blue eyes said before taking the last sip of his drink. " H-hi" I said studdering like an idiot. "Take a seat." He said in a demanding tone. She obeyed and took the seat farthest away blushing. He saw this a chuckled at her. "Whats your name?" He questioned her. " A-alissa" she lied. What if this guy was some sort of creep or rapist? She thought to herself. He chuckled "Your lying," She felt heat rising to her cheeks and turned away before he noticed. He slowly stood up and walked over to her. He put his hands on her hips and she felt the ache between her legs immediately growing. He pulled her closer and she felt his bulge on her lower belly and blushed even more. He had an effect on her she couldn't ignore.
He leaned down and took her lips on his own and kissed slowly at first then it grew aggressive fast. She felt like she needed to stop him but she couldn't bring herself to do it. He then moved his hands lower to her behind and squeezed making her moan into his mouth and he smirked. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his lower abdominal area. Before she knew it she was on the desk and he was on top of ripping off her dress. She grew nervous watching him unbutton his jeans and quickly snapped back into reality. Oh my god. I dont even know his name! She thought to herself as she flung herself off the desk and quickly slipped her dress back on and ran out with her heels in her hand.

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