Possible Death

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Hey, I am soooo sorry that this chapter is so short but its prettt interesting so hopefully that makes up for it. Thanks <3 <3 <3

Lia's Pov-
I woke up with the smell of latex gloves and lemon. I squinted when I tried to open my eyes because of the bright light. When I finally managed to get them opened I took a look at where I was. Holy shit what happened!? I looked to see six docters running with a person on one of those medial bed things. Man I cant remember the name of that. It all hit me at once. I was driving and I got hit. Oh my god Alex and Kim!!!!
As soon as I thought that I tried to sit up but the sudden jerk made a sharp pain in my lower stomach immediately making me lye back down. I started sweating and panicking and then I saw a remote lying on my table and grabbed it and hit the soft button that said nurse. A small poteet blond haired girl rushed into the room and asked if I was okay.
"N-No wheres Alex Martins and Kim Olivite?" I asked worried. She grew a sad look on her face and told me to hold tight. That she'd be back with more information later.

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