Chapter one

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I stood in the window of my fathers house as I watched my mate walk away.

My only mate, the man I loved more than anything...The man....who was the father of my unborn child...The man who had no idea he was sending away his pregnant fiance.

Alpha Malik Winchester....had left me.
Because he loved me too much, I became a distraction too him and his pack 'suffered' but once it's strong enough...He will come back for me.
He promised.

For now we both have to endure the pain but it's for the best.
I slowly moved my hand to the window pane, still watching my retreating mate as I cried softly.

"Goodbye."I whispered.

It's been five years since then and life has been wonderfull.

I have a fun job at walmart where I met and hang out with my two best friends Jennie and Rhiannan, Jen and Rhi for short.
Jennie is Emo, Rhiannan is punk and well, I am a bit of a rocker, but what can I say, these two took me too concerts and changed me.

I still miss Malik but I've changed and I feel angry that he lied and I knew he wasn't coming back for me now.
I was told a female was staying in the alphas house, probably his new girlfriend.

So I finally accepted Benny who had been asking me out for a year solid.

Life is good.

Even if my mate isn't here.
Also my beautifull son, Charlie is definatly an Alpha and a handfull.
He is so naughty and cheeky and he has the temper of an alpha!

My Mom and Dad look after the cute little four year old while I work or just chill but me, Rhi and Jen take Charlie where ever  we can.

He calls them his aunties and I guess they are, and our gay best friend, Max comes with us alot too and Charlie absolutely loves him, probably becausee he is realisticly my only guy friend.
And only male role model he has.

"So what hours are you working tonight?"Max asked me inbetween breathing as he blew rasberrys on Charlies belly.

"Ugghh, damnnnn it is a six while twelve and my mom and dad are going on a weekend holiday and I forgot to call my baby sitter! FUCK!"I yelled a little too loudly.

Before, when I was living with Malik I'd have never swore, now there isn't really a sentence were I don't unless I'm talking to Charlie I avoid swearing as much as I can around him although I do let the occasional word slip.

"I will babysit for you."Max sighed.

"Thanks so much!"I squeeled happily.

"But you owe me, I had a cute date tonight."He pouted making me giggle.

I kissed his cheek and Charlies.

"So my two best boys what you want for dinner?"I asked looking at the few fast food leaflets on the kitchen side.

"Chinese!"Max hollered.

All I could think is; ofcourse he would, that delivery guy is soooooooo sexy!

"Mama! Me wants PIZZA!"Charlie yelled and I could hear Max and Charlie bickering about what was best.

"I want mcdonalds so are you all in or out?"I asked slowly and both of their hands raised.

"In."Max muttered and Charlie nodded.

"Right turn of the TV and get into the car then boys, Mamas gonna go and take a leak."I muttered and the boys did as they were told.

"Both of them...Children I swear."I giggled slightly and walked to the first floor bathroom, I sat down, did my business, washed my hands and grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter.

Goodbye my beloved Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now