Birthday Bash

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Seungri's POV

2 years ago, I met her through a friend. She wasn't all that stunning or pretty. She was just an average girl. She never once ever boasted about her achievements or her family. She was a really nice girl.

About a year ago, we started dating. Neither did my family or her family know about our relationship. I managed to pick her up in disclosed areas as to prevent any speculation from the media. I would usually be the one to suggest the dating place and yet she never once complained. She never once showed displeasure or dissatisfaction. She was really understanding, until one day....

One morning when I woke up, I stretched my arms and turned over to hug my ever so lovely girlfriend. However, she wasn't in bed. I immediately got up and went to look for her. After searching many places, I finally found her in the balcony. I walked over to her and back hugged her. I kissed her gently, but this time, her lips did not move in sync with mine. Instead, she pushed me away. I was taken aback by what she had done. Usually, she would kiss me back and stop after a while. She had never rejected me.


While standing at the balcony, I begin thinking of what I saw last night. My boyfriend entering a suite with a pretty girl. He seemed really happy. His smile was so genuine. I was deep in thought when a pair of arms wrapped around me and a familiar scent engulfed me. I turned around to face and before I could speak, a pair of lips crashed against mine. I was longing for this feeling the whole night but I thought of what he did, I pushed him away, feeling disgusted. He looked at me, surprised, giving me a 'what's wrong?'  face.

I shook my head and walked away. But before I could take another step, I felt an arm pull me back, nearly making me fall. Luckily for me, he caught me. I quickly got up and looked at him angrily.

"What's wrong? Did something happen last night?"

I just looked down and shook my head. I did not want to cry infront of him or start recounting what happened last night.

"Come on, Kimchi. Something must have happened. Tell me. You are usually not like this. Tell me what is on your mind. "

He told me in a calm tone. When I heard what he had said, tears started to fall down my cheeks, uncontrollably.


Seeing her suddenly breaking down in front me, I embraced her into a tight hug. I had no idea what had happened to her or how to stop her crying. She started crying uncontrollably and started hitting me in the chest. I wanted to calm her down by hugging her but she only hit harder. That was when I grabbed her by both her arms and looked directly into her eyes.

There, I could not only see tears but hurt. Pain. I leaned forward attempting to kiss her only to be rejected by her again. Before I could protest, she screamed at me saying,

"Don't touch me with those filthy lips of yours. I know where you had gone last night and who you spent the night with. You still smell of women's perfume. Stay away from me!"

"You knew?"I asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? Scared that I would find out? So how was your night spent with that women? Is she a better kisser than me? Or does she have a better body which appeases your senses more? " she asked, in a sarcastic tone.

"Kimchi-ah, you are mistaken. She was..."  I trailed off. I could not let her know that that girl was actually my sister and I was planning her birthday. We had agreed to meet in that hotel because our uncle worked there and it was more private.

"Who is she? Speechless huh? Since you like her so much, go! Go and date her! We are over!"

Those were her last words she stormed out of the house angrily. I knew that she needed some time to cool down and that she wouldn't do anything rash. I immediately called my sister and told her what happened. She said that all women are like that and would be coming over to later to finish the final touching of Kimchi's birthday party. She calculated that if Kimchi came back home at around dinner time, they would have enough time to prepare.


"How could he just betray me like that. I always gave him my all and never complained. I would give in whenever I could and I would even change for him. What did I do so wrong? " I thought to myself.

Feeling depressed, I fished out my phone and dialed my best friend, Jia Xin. When I told her what had happened, there was a moment of silence. I thought that she was taken aback by what I said, but in actual fact, she knew what was going on because she was at the hotel yesterday. But in order to trick me, she went along with me and started to 'scold'  Seungri. She then agreed to meet me at the shopping mall to shop with me. I thanked her for it and went to a nearby cafe to order a drink and wait for her.

Within 15 minutes, she arrived at the cafe. Her expression immediately changed from snickering to a frown. She went in and pulled me out. Outside, she hooked her arms around me and begin shopping. I begin to go into any store that I found nice and started browsing for stuff. After a few hours of continuous shopping, I found a nearby bench and sat down. Looking at all the bags surrounding me,  I felt a huge sense of satisfaction. I was getting ready to leave when I suddenly needed to use the toilet. I let my things with Jia Xin and ran to the nearest toilet.


Such a good timing. I fished out my phone and was about to dial Seungri's number. Before I could press the call button, a text came in saying, 'Preparations all done. Waiting for birthday girl. Is she coming back soon?'

I replied, 'Yes, she is in the toilet. She just finished shopping and has a whole big load of shopping bag. Will find a way to bring home as soon as possible.' As I pressed the send button, I saw Kimchi walking out from the toilet. I quickly hid my phone, to prevent any suspicion.

"Shall we go?" I asked her.

"Yea, sure let's go to a the a nearby restaurant. Let's eat till our stomach's burst!" she said happily.

Oh no. I better think of something quick. "Erm... Why not we go to your house instead. I can cook for you. We have already spent a lot of money outside shopping. Why not we just save this bit of money? Besides, your boyfriend wouldn't be home, so why not spend more quality time with me?" I crossed my fingers hoping that she would believe me. Luckily, she totally believed me and started to head home.


What Jia Xin said was true. I should abide her wishes since she has spent so much time with me.

*outside the gate*
As I was inserting the key into the keyhole, the door swung open and I was greeted by a few of my best friends. I was shocked. How did they even get into my house? As I steeped in, I was greeted by pretty pink and blue party decorations hung on the wall. At the far end, stood Seungri, with his arms placed behind his back. When he saw me, he smiled and started walking towards me. Instantly, it looked my Moses walking through the red sea. He stopped infront of me and said, " I am sorry for making you so mad Kimchi. But it was  all a misunderstanding. That girl you saw was my sister. Our uncle worked at that hotel so we managed to get a suite at a discounted rate. It was more private and many of our friends could come come to discuss your birthday. I am sorry for lying to you. Will you forgive me?"

When I heard his confession, tears immediately welled up on my eyes. I nodded my head. We then shared a compassionate kiss and a hug. I am truly lucky to have a boyfriend like Seungri.

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