Opposites Attract

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Florist!Sam Punk!Gabriel

Sam's POV
He came in again yesterday, golden hair, tattooed arms, a pieced lip and a red lolly, sticking out his mouth, delicately held between his smiling teeth. Asking for flowers, leant close to me as he did, winking as he waited. He's cute, like really cute, but I always had a soft spot for a bad boy.

I keep imagining, what it would feel like to run my hand through his hair, or to see if he would be the kindle guy to hold my hand. I'd like to see his confident walk and cocky airs as peopled glared at our differences. I'd like to see if he's the funny kind, he looks like he could make me giggle. maybe he even talks about me, "the flower boy down the road." I hope he does. I sigh, dreamily, the reasons escapes me, but I can't get that little trickster out of my head.

I jump out of my thoughts as the bell on the door brings me to attention, and there he is, scruff and all, looking up at me through his whisky eyes with his eyebrow raised, biting the ring on his lip.
"Hey there Sasquatch, have you got anything pretty, tall and bright I can I have?" He said with his cocky airs, smirking right at me. My actions stutter and I look down trying to conceal my blush, what is up with me?
"We, uh, have some white lilies in today, the stems haven't been trimmed, so tall, as you, uh s-said," I manage to squeeze out, oh dear, I'm a mess.
I see him furrow his eyebrows slightly, his gaze still focussed up at me.
"Do you know why I buy these flowers everyday?" He questioned, leaning his weight onto one foot and once again raising his eyebrows. That's an odd question, I thought about why before, maybe a girlfriend or a relative. I hope relative. He doesn't look like the flower type anyway.
"Because you like flowers?" I reply with sass but I can hear the uncertainty in my voice.
"Nope," he said cooling, "I come to see you, I mean who could resist," he stated chuckling a little. My mouth hung open a little an I could feel my cheeks heating. "Ha, funny, sure you do." I say, of course he's just kidding. "No, really, I mean it and do I really look like the flower type to you?" Maybe he's not lying, he likes you. He actually likes you. "Well you would look sweet with flowers in your hair," I remarked, it would look adorable, with such a contrast of styles.

"Come grab some coffee with me," did he just ask me on a date? Wow he is cocky. "I can't, I have to keep the shop open," it has been slow business but I have responsibilities, and there is no harm in playing hard to get. "Ah come on Sam, how many people have been in today?" He questioned, "besides, live life on the edge!"
"Enough customers and I don't even know your name!  How do you know my name anyway?" Is he some sort of stalker, I mean I wouldn't mind that much. The punk sniggered and pointed at my name bag, and I know that I'm blushing again. "I'll tell you my name if you some get coffee with me," I have to say, I'm intrigued. I let out a sigh of exasperation. "Fine," I guess should have a break anyway, "just let me close up quickly." He smirked and leant against the wall, he nodded his head slightly to tell me to get going.

I could feel his eyes on me as I moved around, I knew where they were, I watched as they dotted across my arms and legs.... And places in between. 

I flipped the sign as we left. "Gabriel, my names Gabriel. Like the angel but I'm far from it." I think I'm gonna like this decision.

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