Chapter Two

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We were at Shay's house in no time. We'd cleared it with our parents that we would get ready together, go to the party together, and come home together. Once in her room, Shay shut the door and immediately began rummaging through her closet.

"I think you should wear this," she said, handing me a black cropped tank top.

"Where's the rest of it?" I joked. I'd never been one for showing off my pale stomach. "Plus won't it get cold?"

"Oh true," and she dove back into her clothes. "This could be cute," she said, holding up a blue and gray flannel. "Just tie it around your waist and you're set."

"It's not really my style," I told her. "I'd rather just wear what I'm wearing now."

She signed. "Would you at least try it on?"

I nodded and took the top and flannel into the bathroom to change. They both looked a little big for me, Shay was my size, but much taller with longer arms.

I quickly put on the black top which miraculously only showed a bit of my stomach. Then I threw the flannel over my shoulders and slid my arms into the sleeves, which were way to long for me. I kept my jean shorts on, and walked back into Shay's room.

"I like it," she said. Shay was already dressed, with a in a cute baseball tee with ripped short shorts.

I smiled, "I like yours too."

"Thanks," she smiled back. "Now let's get a little more makeup on you."

I shook my head vigorously. "No, definitely not." The mascara that I already had on was enough.

The flannel began slipping off my shoulder, so I quickly pulled it back up. It was strange wearing a crop top. They looked cute on other girls, but I'd never actually worn one before. I was happy I had the giant shirt that I could button up if I got too self conscious.

"What if he's not at the party," I asked Shay.

She shrugged, back facing me. She was facing a mirror, carefully putting in earrings. "Who knows maybe he's not even our age," She joked. Of course he was our age, he was in the junior hallway.

I sighed. Even if he was there I probably wouldn't walk to him. I would most likely just sit there near Shay as she makes more friends.

Shay put on eyeliner and mascara and I sat and watched, continuously pulling up the shoulder of the flannel. "It looks great," I told her, as she turned around.

She flashed a smile and said, "thank you." Then she pulled her phone out of her shorts pocket to check the time. "Well, it starts at nine so we've got a lot of time."

"How far away is it?" I asked her, knowing Shay would only leave the house at nine. She called it being 'fashionably late.'

"Umm I don't know one second, I'll text Jonathan." Jonathan was Shay's boyfriend, and also set up the party. They'd been dating since freshman year and were still holding on.

We waited a few minutes in silence and then her phone finally vibrated. "Oh, it's at his house," Shay said.

"You know I don't know where that is, how far away is it?"

"He lives on the other side of town. Big house, big yard." She told me, and I nodded my head.

"So in other words we should leave now," I told her while her nose was buried in her phone and her fingers were tapping away.

"Sure," she said, and she began to leave the room. I followed her all the way out to the car, opened the door and plopped myself down.

Shay put the keys into the ignition and turned them. Then she turned to face me. "If he's there tonight I want you to talk to him."

I stared at her. "What the hell, no!"

"This is summer. Either it works out or it doesn't, but if it doesn't you won't see him all summer and it'll be just a faded memory by the time school starts. Plus, you've never seen him anyways. But if something does work out, you've got all summer to get to know him and hang out with him." Shay really was smart. "It's the perfect timing."

I shrugged and nodded. "It makes sense. If I see him, I'll talk with him."

She grinned and gave me a look that said thank you. Then she put the car into reverse, backed out of the garage, and we began our way across town to an eventful night.

Okay, I'm sorry this is a really boring chapter but I can promise you the next one will be much more eventful. I hope you're enjoying it so far :)

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