Chapter Three

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It actually didn't take us as long as I'd planned to get to Jonathan's house. Just under half an hour and we were there.

Shay lead the way up to the massive door and instead of ringing the doorbell or knocking, she simply opened the door and stepped inside. His parents were waiting inside and both of them hugged Shay. After three years, they were treating each other more like family than anything else.

The inside of their house was traditional and clean, and both of John's parents introduced themselves to me. "Nice to meet you Maggie, we're so happy to have you," they said.

The sound of a screen door opening and closing echoed through the walls of the large house, followed by soft foot steps. It was Jonathan. He approached Shay and put his hands on the back of her head and brought her mouth to his. They remained that way for several moments and finally he realized I was standing there.

"Hey Maggie," he smiled awkwardly, waving his parents into another room. "I'll take you both out back, we're getting the fire started right now."

Shay and I both followed him, and as it turned out, we weren't the only ones who arrived early. A group of John's friends were working on a fire, further off in their enormous yard. Lots of logs were set up around it, and people were already beginning to take their places, sitting and chatting with their friends. The blue eyed boy was no where in sight.

Jonathan led us closer to the so called "fire" that and the three of us sat down together. The fire was more like a small fox tail in the pile of wood with a trickle of smoke pouring out the top.

I sat at the far end of the log, next to Shay and then John so they could have their "couple time." I was used to third wheeling while he rubbed her back, or they made out and told each other they loved each other. Never in my life had I told a boy I loved him. I didn't think it was possible to know what love was like at such a young age.

Jonathan's knuckles pressed into the flannel I was wearing, so I scooted over a bit more. His arm was around her shoulders and her head was on his toned arm. Shay giggled as the guys trying to get the fire started failed once again.

"Hey," John said, "you know it works better when you add flammable materials to get it started, right?" He removed his arm from Shay and walked over, picking up newspapers scattered on the ground.

"Dammit," one of them said, "I didn't even realize those were for the fire." I recognized all them, and I'd even had classes with a few, but I guess I'd just never taken the chance to know any of them. They all took turns crumbling the newspapers, lighting them, and tossing them into the fire.

By the time the fire was burning well, many more people had arrived and the sky was turned a lilac-pink in one direction and peachy-golden in the other.

While Shay and John were telling each other "I love you" in between long kisses, I was looking around for the boy. He had to be somewhere. I was counting on it. Otherwise I would just sit here all night while Shay and John got heated. But what was I thinking - we didn't even know each other.

I sighed softly, as more people sat down, and Shay and John moved to a seat far away from the fire and began a heavy make out session. A tall figure sat down next to me with his hands supporting his chin and elbows resting on his knees.

"How's your head," he turned to me. My heart began to race and I turned to face him. I was met with a face I faintly recognized, but it was not him.

"Oh, um, it's alright. Just a bit bruised," I replied, trying to seem like I wanted to talk to him. All I wanted to do was find the blue eyed boy.

"That's good. I saw you run into someone in the hallway at school. Looked like it hurt."

"Yeah, it did. Not too bad any more though." I smiled. "Well, I'm getting a bit thirsty, so I'm going to head back to the house to get something to drink."

Quickly hopping up, I turned and trudged through the yard back to the monstrous house. I walked through the door and into the kitchen. An assortment of canned sodas was set up on the counter, and I reached for one but I was stopped by a soft tapping on my shoulder.

I turned around and I was met with a soft face with a faint smile. And those eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you, but are you okay?"

I grinned so widely I felt ridiculous. "I'm okay, just a little bruise. That's all." He heaved a breath of relief.

"I feel really bad about that. You really hit hard." He used one hand to brush away the hair covering my forehead, and the other cupping my chin. I had to tilt my head back to actually see his face, he was that tall.

I was finally able to take in what he looked like. Big blue eyes, a cute pointed nose, a set jaw with perfect pink lips. His cheeks were slightly peachy from blushing, and had only a couple specks of acne. His hair was blonde and quiffed up at the front with little wisps peeking out near his ears. He was a masterpiece.

"I'm Luke, by the way." He was no longer looking at my forehead, but in my eyes.

"I'm Maggie," I replied.

Luke smiled. "I like that name." I blushed and looked away smiling. "Would you by any chance want to sit with me outside?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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