Cheeky Girl

74 17 5

Lynchburg, Virginia

"Call me Carmen,"

What did it mean?

She laughed softly, squeezing Rosalie's shoulder lightly. "Exactly what he said,"

And she laughed, but there was something she couldn't laugh off.

His request made her feel two ways.

She was afraid.

What if he changed his mind one day and punished her for calling him his name?

The fear was the easiest emotion she felt. The one she was more than willing to welcome.

It was the other way that frightened her system.

Even now she was too bewildered to think about it.

It didn't make sense.

It wasn't something she should've felt, especially with a man.

But she did.

She couldn't change reality.

"Ugh," She grumbled, rolling over in bed, careful not to disrupt Rosalie's deep slumber.

Rolling over again, she looked to the ceiling sighing.

"I-i don't like this," She confessed to the Lord, knowing He'd always listen. "It doesn't make sense," She added, truly feeling conflicted. "It isn't right,"

Every single man she'd been forced to know made her panic and uncomfortable.

So how did Dr. Sl- Carmen make her feel cozy?

Sitting with him in the living room as Rosalie slept and baby Eden purred felt right.

She was safe, but that didn't mean she should've been cozy.

Rosalie made her feel cozy.

Everyone else left her on edge.

So what did Carmen do that everyone else did not?

Shaking her head, she forced her eyes shut and pulled the comforter to her nose.

It was too much to figure out. She didn't want to figure it out.

Not tonight.


Carmen placed the stack of books on the shelf and straightened them.

He was blessed to have an extensive collection of books.

"Mr. Carmennnn,"

His heart perked at Rosalie's delightful call.

"In here, Rose sweetheart," He answered, eager to see the little girl and her new companion she adored.

Her footsteps quickened toward the library and in she came with baby Eden in her arms.

"Hi!" She waved and ran into him. "Baby Eden wanted to see you, Mr. Carmen. She told me just how so so much she loves you and just wants to follow you always," She blushed, clearly placing her words in the kitten's mouth.

Carmen gasped dramatically and hugged the pair. "Well, if baby Eden would like to follow me always, I cannot deny her. She is a precious little girl,"

Rosalie pulled away with her brows scrunched. "You like baby Eden that much?" She glared at the kitten.

"Now, now, Rose. We do not despise a kitten for being loved. It is not in my heart to love a kitten more than I love you." He patted her head and smoothed out her brows. "You are the twin of your baby Eden when you make your eyebrows connect," He chuckled lightly, making her giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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