Third letter

20 3 0

Okay so today I didn't get a letter from louis cause he was busy and so miss asked me
"Sorry Layla maybe yours got lost in the mail I'll ask Miss schimidt "
I stopped her
"No he sent me a letter saying he couldn't send me anything today but I should still send him something"
She just nodded and walked away.
I started writing something to Louis

Hey Lou so how was your date with El? I hope it went well also how's your family and stuff . It's so hard to think of what to write
Do you have a job?
Do you have kids?
I got nothing I want to go on a holiday away from everything and by everything I mean my brother he woke me up and four o clock this morning and kept me awake so I am really tired my brains not working who wakes up at four I swear that he is just a little ball full of energy
Anyway what did you bud with the £10 I gave you?
Because we well I can't ever think of something to write in every letter I'm going to write a quote or lyrics.
It's not the destination it's the journey
That's all i got bye
Yours Layla

I re-read and edited the letter before putting it in the envelope and sealing it shut I put in the box along with the rest of the letters and carried on with the rest of the day.

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