Letter number 2

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The next day I got a letter from louis saying

Hey Ayla it's me Louis well firstly it was nice hearing from you , my favourite colour is blue and I'm 24 around 12 years older than you.
I to love music I can play bits of the piano and about one direction I like them to.
You and I have a lot in common I to am loud and outgoingO î but I am a boy so I play football ( soccer to you ) , I don't play netball sorry.
Anyways I also have a normal family a mum,dad 4 sisters and a girlfriend named Eleanor Calder, my sisters names are phoebe and daisy who are twins the youngest then little and fizzy fizzy the oldest surely you can figure the rest out about the youngest and the oldest.
Well that's all bye now .
Yours Louis

I re-read the letter a few times before writing another to Louis

Hey Lou ( can I call you that ) so after reading that letter you got me curious what kind of surprise do have up in your mind oh and my little brothers name is Beau he is so cute but just as annoying but um 4 sisters lucky much it sounds great I wish I had one to have girly talks with brothers are good but he's a boy and I'm a girl I think you can figure out the rest about that so I heard that we're having a meet and greet I get to show you around town and stuff ! Not that we have much around here anyways I would get to see who I'm talking to.
I'm gonna put in £10 cause I just want to I thought I might loose it before my uncle gets back from England and he wouldn't take it plus I have nothing to do with it dad constantly asks me if I want to exchange is for NZ money but I didn't I just put it in the envelope to give to you. That's all I got byee
Yours Layla ( I forgot the L cause
My friends call me Ayla)

I checked over it and put it in the envelope along with the money I sealed it and put the address on it before putting in the box of letters I saw in the box beside it had another for me I asked miss about it and she said she forgot to give it to me I went back to my desk and opened it

Hey Ayla it's me again yea two letters in a day I just wanted to say sorry I won't be able to send you anything next time but you can to me I will still read it I will send it on the third letter exchange once again im sorry love
P.s I have a date with El tonight I am so nervous
Yours Louis
Oh well at least he told me

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