Im not leaving yet

15 3 0

" Ayla this is Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn my other band mates you love so much "
I say
" I love their voices I don't know who they are if you didn't tell me who they were I would've called them mr blondie, mr curly, mr serious looking, and mr quiff "
They laughed at my names
" I love them you should call us that "
Mr quiff says I just shrug
"Any way Louis who is this random girl you bought into our house"
Mr serious looking says
" oh this is Layla she's staying here for a few days cause she did something dumb "
Louis replied
" that's very encouraging Lou very encouraging it was a mistake geez get over it please "
I say just a tad bit frustrated
" what did you do "
Mr blondie says looking at me
" um you know the usual getting on the wrong flight and I .. Well "
I stuttered they laughed mr serious looking said
" and you just brought her here do even know her and I'm so sorry you did that "
Lou replied
" oh we met before not really um you know that pen pal thing I signed up for yea Ayla was that pal it's just a coincidence that we met I guess "
I smiled
" I'm glad he found me otherwise I would've been a wreck but I'm leaving in three days hopefully to Seattle cause my uncle lives there and in two weeks when the weather clears I will head to Fiji or back home to New Zealand depending on we're my family is that time "
The just stare at me
" you might get to go to Fiji "
Mr curly says
" yea if they're still there or I head back "
I reply
" so you are not sad about not going "
He says
" well yea I won't get to go to my great grandmas funeral but I could always visit my family next year I'm sure I can miss one year going back home "
Mr quiff says
" you were born in Fiji like it's your home country "
I nod they say
" awesome "
I shrug they all say it I just don't understand they think it's paradise were I live you have to work in the field literally farming getting your own water feeding the cows rounding the sheep and much more but I guess there is a good side like drinking coconut water when your free from fresh coconuts and in town everyone is friendly no one judges you it's a good life there but you have to work for it.
Later ELEANOR came down and we talked and stuff louis trying to annoy us but I ignore it cause I'm use to it from my little brother beau some people may be short tempered but not me but El was over it and scolded louis
" Louis it's not nice to annoy people when they are talking to someone it's rude "
I just tried to stifle a laugh and went to louis I put my arm on his shoulder and said
" dear Louie is sorry right Lou "
He nodded fast and mouthed me a thank you the boys stand and just and look at us in amusement El glares at them when the phone went of mr serious looking picked it up while we goof around later he came back and he had a sad look on his face he came up to me and said
" Ayla please don't become sad or anything but because of the bad weather the ferry from here to Seattle is cancelled "
What?? , I say
" I-it's fine safety over everything it's g-good "
They engulfed me in a hug
" on the bright side you get to be here for longer "
I heard Lou mumble I smiled a little and said
" I'm gonna go have a quick shower "
They nodded and let me go I went and freshened up I put on a pair of leggings and a button up t-shirt I got a black coat and my converse high-tops and went to the front door hung the coat and put my shoes beside the door if we go anywhere it's there then I headed to the living room were everyone was watching finding Nemo I looked around for tissues they were beside mr blondie so I crept over to him and sat on the floor next to him soon my tears were flowing and the tissues were in use I always cried during this movie but silently I felt mr blondies arm go around me and pull me into him he put his head on my shoulder and his tears wet them he's was like me with the movie I think we were a crying mess. When the movie finished El turned the light on and everyone looked at me and Mr blondie
" awe they're a both a crying mess "
El says I say
" it's not my fault the movie maker person decided to make it sad "
I protested
" wait for it "
Mr blondie whispered
" NO, only jimmy protests "
I giggled and said
" okay I'm off to bed but where "
El replies
" Lou can sleep with harry and you can sleep in our room "
Harry and Lou cheer and head off somewhere me and El go to bed and I get comfy and drift off.


MR BLONDIE: Niall Horan
MR QUIFF: Zayn Malik
MR CURLY: Harry Styles

Just for the people who were confused

P.s the song is Stockholm syndrome by the one and only one direction



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