Scenery #1

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Deep blue waters stretched out as far as your eyes could see, reflecting every detail of the thin forest resting at its sides and the sky above, down to the last thistle, star, and cloud, on its placid surface. Not a single ripple disturbed the calm liquid which made it easy to spot your mirror image.

Crickets, frogs, and other small animals could be heard in the distance, creating a muffled orchestra of sounds, fireflies lighting the night sky, and a light breeze could be felt though not strong enough to push the water. Sounds from behind told you that animals were grazing among the bushes and grasses, eating to their hearts content. Lily pads slowly moved across the water allowing small insects to land on them and take quick rests, flowers blooming here and there, reeds sticking up near the edge of forest.

Fish of all different colors darted to and fro beneath the surface and past your resting spot, scales reflecting the silver light of the rising moon, preying on smaller fish or swimming up to snatch the occasional drifting bug.

The water is cool and smooth to the touch as you lightly dip the tips of your fingers into it, dragging them across the surface, feeling the resistance tugging at them. The air is thick with the scent of tree foliage, wet grass, and rain. The grass you are sitting on is quite moist for you are sitting at the waters edge.

You remove your fingers from the water, looking up to view the sky, taking notice that dark clouds are quickly swallowing it up. You think about finding shelter but then decide against it in favor of staying put, enjoying the peacefulness surrounding you and the soft grass below.

You turn to your right, then your left in a searching manner. You spot what you were looking for and reach over to pick a small red berry from a nearby bush. Putting it on your tongue, and biting down hard enough to just barely break its skin, you recognize the sweet taste of a ripe strawberry. You let the sweet taste bathe your tongue for a moment before finally chewing and swallowing.

You feel something small hit your brow so you look up. You feel it again lightly splashing your left cheek, and another on the bridge of your nose. Rain has started to come down in a thin mist. You decide that it is now time to leave.

You stand and take a last look at the water before you, now being pelted with heavier drops of rain. The fireflies have stopped flashing their lights and the chorus of sound from before has gone. The lily pads bounce on the waters surface, collecting tiny puddles of rain water in their middles while reeds and trees gently sway in the slightly stronger winds. The leaves are now whispering amongst themselves, getting louder, then softer, then louder once again. The reflection of your surroundings has been distorted by the many ripples decorating the waters surface but in a pleasing manner.

Fog has now started to form, covering most of the ground below and around you as well as the water. The scent of rain has now masked all other smells besides those few that are closely surrounding you.

You turn in the opposite direction and start to take your leave, hearing some of the larger forest animals dodging trees and bushes making their way to their own homes. You start to jog along side them and then speed up into a run. After a few steps you glow a bright blue, then dim as you slowly fade away, seemingly as if you have become the fog. It is almost as if you were never there to begin with but as you fade, anyone and anything within your sight will never forget the content smile stretching across your face or how your beautiful ocean-blue eyes shone with happiness that could never be taken away.

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