Let's See Where This Goes

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I woke up and I got up and went to my closest and picked out black combat boots and black skinny jeans and a black crop top I went and took a shower I got out and straightened my hair and did my makeup which was a light black with eye liner and mascara and light pink lip stick. I walked back into my room and Nash was sitting there on his phone "Hey Beautiful!" He said as I walked over to him and sat next to him "It's only 10 my little brother doesn't wake up until 10:30 I can sneak you out my mom and dad went to work about 10 minutes ago" I said. "Or if you wanna hang out..." I said "I can hang out if you want I'm just gonna go shower change and come back okay?" He said "Okay!" I said kissing him "Can I bring Sky and Hayes?" He asked. "Of course!" I said kissing him again! We walked down stairs and I left him out and watched him run to his house and I closed and locked the door I turned around and my little brother was standing there "Go take a shower Sky, Hayes, and Nash are coming over!" I said.
About an hour later I heard a knock at the door and I opened it and it was Hayes and Sky. I was Nash running to my house he was getting on his shoes. I waved them in and when Nash reached my house I stood in front of the door way and he stood there with confusion and I walked out of the door and closed it I pushed his chest to push him on the wall and I kissed him. I pulled away and started to walk to the door then Nash grabbed my wrist and stopped me "Yes?" I laughed. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said. "Of Course!" I said kissing him and I held his hand and started walking and we held hand the whole time walking in "Oooooo look at the love birds!!" Hayes said "Don't act five!" Nash said to Hayes. "Sorry bro!" He said playfully pushing him. I look down and my phone I ringing. Great! It's my mother.


Me: Hey mom?

Mom: Summer... Bring your brother to the hospital.

Me: Why?! What's wrong?!

Mom: Dad he got in a c-car accident... He's hurt pretty bad...

Me: Oh my god we will be right there!!

Everyone was looking at me. "What's wrong!?!" Jacob (That's her brother) asked "Dad!! We have to go!" I said. "Nash can you bring him to the hospital I can't drive right now. I need to cool down." I asked Nash he nodded and all of them went to the hospital.

I didn't know what to do. Where to go. So I remembered I saw a park and ran there. I sat on the swings and cried. Then I heard someone sit next to me on the other swing. "What's wrong?" He said. "Why do you care!" I yelled. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell I just- my dad..." I said crying harder. "Oh it's fine I just don't think beautiful girls should cry. Oh and by the way my name is Evan. Evan Peters." He said shaking my hand. "I'm Summer." I said putting my head down and crying more. "Here. Follow me!" He said standing up and waiting for me. "Where are we going?" I said as I followed him. "Just wait." He smiled at me. "I need to go to the hospital soon so I can't stay long." I said "It's fine I won't keep you." He smiled.

Evan was really nice he had curly blonde hair and he gorgeous brown eyes. We finally came to this little area where no one was and it was kinda hidden. We sat down and he gave me a drink and we just sat and talked for like 3 minutes. "I gotta go here's my number!" I wrote down my number and left. I ran to my house. Then I ran to my garage and grabbed my charger and my penny board and ran out and skated to the hospital. It took about 30 minutes to get to the hospital. I got there and I ran the the counter where the nurse was. "Where is Jeffery Milton?" I said and I started to tear up "Ummm.. room 369" she said as I ran to the elevator. I started to cry in when I got to the third floor I was running to my dads room then I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Nash standing in front of the door. He looked at me and I broke down. "where have you been? I got so worried!" He said pulling me into a hug then kissing my forehead. "I was at the park cooling down then I lost track of time sorry. How is he?" I said. "It's okay baby. Your dad had a gash in his stomach and he has a couple broken ribs and a broke leg... He also hit his head and he lost his memory... He doesn't know anyone..." He said pulling me into a tight hug I started crying into his chest and he just picked me up bridal style and sat on the bench with me in his arms. "It's all gonna be okay babe!" He said kissing me. I wiped my eyes and stood up as did Nash. I opened the door and saw my mom and brother sitting there crying their heads off. My dad was asleep. He looked dead cold, pale. I broke down. I was done. I wanted to die. I hated seeing my little brother cry. That's it! No more little miss nice girl! Get ready people! I ran out of the room and Nash followed "Babe! Where are you going?!" He yelled. "Can you take me to the mall?!" I yelled back still running out. "Yea..." He said I heard him speeding up and holding my hand.

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