Bad Girl

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                 *Summer's POV*
I woke up. I was in my room and I wasn't alone. Shit! "Hi..." Nash said. Thank god we were both dressed. I smiled and kissed him. I got up took a shower and got on leggings and a dark red tight crop top. I got on a jean jacket and high top converse. I grabbed my phone and went on SnapChat. I had 2 SnapChats. From. Cameron? I clicked on them. One said 'GoodNight😅😘' the other said 'Morning✨😘' I took a mirror selfie and put 'Wanna hang out cutie?😉'
And sent it.

I walked out of the bathroom and to my room. Nash was changed. "I have to hang out with family today wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded.

He got his bag and walked to me and kissed me. I kissed him back. He walked downstairs and out the door. Just then I got a SnapChat from Cameron. I opened it. It said. 'Of Course Beautiful! Where? Text me!😍😏!' I laughed and texted him.


Cameron😉: Hey!❤️

Me: Hey Cutie!😘

Cameron😉: Wanna go to the beach?

Me: HELL YES!😂❤️

Cameron😉: Okay. I'll pick you up in 20.😂😌

Me: Okay see you soon!😈😂😉😘

I put down my phone and walked to my dresser. I pulled out my all back swim suit and changed into that. I put on water makeup and put on black booty shorts and a tank top to cover up my swim suit. I grabbed a beach bag and put a towel, sunblock, my wallet, and my phone in it. I put on my flip flops and ran downstairs.

I sat down on the couch and waited. About 4 minutes later. I heard a car honk. I laughed and ran out the door.

I got in the car and Cameron drove off.

About 20 minutes later Cameron pulled into a parking space and we got out and walked and found a place to sit. I sat down and put my towel down and put my sunblock on. I got up and took off my flip flops. "Let's go!" I said to Cameron. He laughed and took off his shirt revealing his abs and the sexist
v-line ever! Ugh! Cameron was flawless. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the water. I laughed and ran with him. He picked me up bridal style and walked into the water and got far enough to dunk me underwater. "Your so dead Cameron!" I yelled. He laughed and started running. I caught up to him and pulled his hand and turned him around. He was inches away from my face. "Do I make you nervous?" He said smiling. "No!" I said. "Kiss me." He said. He leaned in I leaned in also. We kissed. I felt fireworks!
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a little while. I will start again. I looked at all the reads on this book. Wow. I have like 5 chapters and 100 and something reads! Thanks!💕 your all amazing! Remember I need characters! Message me! Ily guys to the moon and back!💕 Vote•Comment! Read my other books!

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Thanks for reading bye guys!💕🙈🙏✌️😌

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