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                  *Summer's POV*
I woke up and today was the day that we go on tour. I kind have forgiven Nash by now. But not much. I love him. But. He kissed another girl. You know what. Today is pay back. I'm gonna tease him today.

I got up and took a shower. I put in black leggings and a white tight crop top. I curled my hair and did my makeup.

I grabbed my phone and put my charger in my purse. I grabbed my suit case and my purse and my shoes and walked downstairs.

I grabbed an apple and took a bite. As soon as I did the door bell rang. I sighed and opened it. "CAM!" I said hugging him. He hugged me back and started sucking on my neck. "Cameron. Don't!" I said playfully. He kept sucking and he finally stopped and he picked up my bag. I grabbed my purse and put on my shoes. I walked to the car. I guess it was just me and Cameron in the car. Sweet. He looked at me when I say in the seat. He gasped. "What?" I asked. "Your neck!" He said. I pulled down the mirror and saw a huge black and purple spot on my neck. I grabbed my makeup and covered it up.

Cameron got in and laughed. I pushed him playfully. "Why cover it... It looks badass!" He smirks. "I have a boyfriend. He is your best friend!" I snapped. Cameron laughed and pulled out of my driveway.

=_=1 Hour Later=_=
We pulled to the airport and we parked and started walking to the doors. We walked in and I saw him. "Nash!" I yelled. I dropped my bag and ran to him. I know I'm suppose to be mad. But I miss him.

"Did someone say NASH?!" I heard a girl scream. "Shit." I said. "NASH GRIER AND CAMERON DALLAS AND OMG EVERYONE!" The girl screamed. About 100 little girls came running and started screaming and asking for pictures and for them to sign stuff.

We heard over the intercom the person saying our flight was leaving and we all rushed to the flight gate.


After we got off he flight we went to the hotel room. I was rooming with Cameron and Nash. Everyone got their swim suits on and went to the pool. Matthew was talking to this girl with black hair and brown eyes. She was really pretty. They looked like they liked each other.

I felt a huge push and I got under the water. I was underwater. I was shocked. I swallowed a lot of water. I was chocking. I felt two strong arms pull me up. Then everything. Went black.

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