Chapter One

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Chapter One

Dedicated to my wonderful friends. Friendship should never be underestimated, they are the family you choose.

If only I had known beforehand, how the simplest of plans could unravel at such an amazing and dramatic speed, I might have been better prepared for the events that unravelled.

I always referred to the girls in the office as the Ladybirds; due to the fact that they all have a different number of spots that shows their individuality and it made me think of how close us ladies were, although very different in our ways.

So it started off in a straightforward way. The plan was, for a group of us girlies from the office, to get together. We would travel together in a group of cars and meet at the pub nearest the venue, to support our colleague in his local amateur dramatic show. It seemed a simple enough plan. Wouldn't you agree?

The gang comprised of dizzy Bella, with legs up to your armpits and an ample bosom. The girl had enviable perfect skin with long blonde hair like goldilocks, which annoyingly, dried that way. On anyone else, you would call her clothing questionable, but somehow she made her ensemble work with second skin dresses and heels fit for a woman of ill repute with a touch of dash. She was twenty something, young; pretty, honestly sweet, the firm's eye candy and a pin up for Barbie. Well, let's face it, if you have it, flaunt it.

Every time we had a new client who the top dogs were not sure would go through with the deal, Bella was dispatched to serve drinks in the meeting room, whatever she was doing. It was the drool and go routine. Bella would hand them a drink, a pen, the contract and look at them with her beautiful sky blue doe eyes...and before you knew it, that document was signed, sealed and the deal was done. Every, single, blooming time. It was hysterical. The very next day, without fail, regardless of their relationship status, a huge bunch of flowers would appear at the reception for Bella. She never let it go to her head, she just thought it was hilarious.

The reason she took none of their advances seriously, was because it appeared she was in love with Jason Statham and he was the only one she was interested in. This is no joke, but deadly serious, she was completely and utterly obsessed with him. If he was over here filming in the UK, Bella would know all the details and try and seek him out. So it seemed the only thing from currently saving her from being arrested for stalking him, was that he was currently living in America for most of the year. Batty though she was, she was sweet and lovely, so even though she was drop dead gorgeous, bodycon stuck to the skin dress girl, we all adored every scatty bit of her.

Bella was first at the start line, rounding us all up to get out of the office on schedule, which is not always the easiest of things to do.

As we filed out of the office, trying to escape on time and in good spirits, we made our way to the office car park. We were the Advertising Department gang and we made a motley crew as we all came to a stop, us ladies were strangely, lined up in a row, height way down, all looking for Demi's car. It seemed to have vanished out of the car park. Then Demi moved out of the line and stood in front of a very unusual mode of transport for her. She appeared to approach a tin can and went to open it. Our jaws collectively dropped as we stood together stupendified and confused! This was not glammy Demi's style at all!

"Demi, where's your car?" Bella asked her. Fingers poised in readiness to call the police, assuming her chariot had been stolen.

"Um, well," said Demi "It's in the garage, the electric roof is broken. It got stuck half way open on the way home last night. Luckily the mechanic was still at the garage last night and took it straight in. This is all he could loan me. As it was such short notice, it was this or nothing."

Four Ladybirds, a Tom Tom and Not a Very Fast Car!Where stories live. Discover now