Amethyst's Story :

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Hi. I am 17 years old, I am a Senior in high school right now. My baby girl is 1 (16 months). I found out I was pregnant the day before I was 16 years old. I was 16 weeks along. I got to hear her heart beat the day we found out, My mother and I just cried. I knew my life would change forever. We talked about Adoption, but I couldn't do it. I fell in love hearing her heart beat. I did my whole Junior year online, and most of my senior classes. Now here I am, scheduled to graduate May 17th, 2015. I could not have done any of this without the support of my family. I plan on going to College to get my degree in Psychology. I would like to be a counselor. Nothing is Impossible if you have the right mindset.

- A. 💙

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