Sarah B.'s Story :

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Hi! I am 15 years old, a sophomore in high school, and a cheerleader. And I just found out I was pregnant yesterday. The father of the baby is my ex boyfriend. He currently lives with me and we are very very close. He doesn't know about the pregnancy yet, and neither do my parents. The only people who know are my best friends, and on 4/16/15 they are going with me to the health department to confirm the pregnancy. Yesterday my best friend took me to Walmart and bought me a test, and I took it in a gas station bathroom. It obviously came out positive!!!! I'm definitely scared, but now I am also very very excited!!! I already know that I am keeping the baby, and if the father or my parents won't support me in my decision and be there for me, I have plenty of people who will be there. If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant, find support. Because I know if I didn't have the massive amount of support I do have, I would be terrified. Find someone to talk to and confide in.

- S.B 💛

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