Chapter 1: Levels of Friendship

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"What is this, exactly?" I said, tracing the veins of the lilac-colored stone with my fingers. It was about the size of a pebble--small enough to fit in a pocket--but it was a pretty little thing. It glinted as I held it up to the dying sunlight.

"Well, it's a rock. But beyond that, I don't really know what it is. I found it at a park on Ohio, and it's brought me luck ever since," Blake said, squinting to look at the stone through the fading light. "It's hard to stop looking at it, sometimes."

"Yeah, it is." I handed the stone back to Blake, and he slipped it into his jean pocket. We continued walking down the long, winding dirt path.

We were on our way to a friend's--Lindsay's--house. Both of our parents had some important party to host, so we were temporarily kicked out of our houses.

"Lucas, do you ever think Lindsay will find someone that loves her back? I mean, it's already hard enough to find a decent person you click with when you're straight. And she has to narrow down her options to girls that like girls? That must be hard for her."

I chuckled a little. "Where's this coming from, all of a sudden?"

"Oh, well, you know, I'm bisexual. So my options are pretty open, at the moment. I was just wondering how hard it must be for Lindsay."

"Wait, you're bi?" I stopped walking, and just stood there. "When did you know?"

"I've always known, Lucas. I just never told you. Or anyone, for that matter." He sat down on the path, and I followed suit.

"Well, I'm glad you finally told me," I said after a few awkward moments. "But why did you wait so long? It's not like I'm homophobic. I have two dads. And we have Lindsay. You know that."

"Yeah, I do," Blake said. He looked slightly uncomfortable. "It's just, I thought that if one person knew, then the whole school would end up knowing, and someone would inevitably tell my mom. And you know how she is. We're supposed to be the picture perfect family."

"Don't worry, Blake," I said. "You can trust me, and you can trust Linds. We would never out you to anyone."

"Hey, bitches!" shouted a female voice. "You two are laaaate!"

A flash of pastel mint was all I saw before I was suddenly on my back with a girl on top of me.

"Hey babe," Lindsay said with a devilish grin on her face. Her long pastel locks tickled my face. "How you doin' Luke?"

"Aw, why don't I get to have fun too?" Blake fake pouted. Linds and I traded mischievous looks.

"Well," Lindsay said, getting off of me and into a squatting position on the ground. "Blakey."

"Hm?" Blake said.

"Go!" shouted Lindsay.

Blake scrambled to his feet but we quickly tackled him down to the ground. I sat on his legs while Linds straddled his chest.

"Hey there pal," Lindsay flashed him a grin. "Still feel left out?"

"Nope, no, not at all. Will you please get off? You're choking me."

"'Kay, fine." Lindsay hopped off Blake.

"What's up with the hair?" I was still sitting on Blake's legs. It's not like I was choking him. "I thought we all agreed to go natural for a while."

Lindsay, Blake, and I had this thing where we would always do color--or not color-- our hair the same. So, if one dyed their hair pink, the other two also had to dye their hair to match. We were just that close.

"We did. For a while." She sighed. "Blonde hair is just so boring. And also incredibly easy to dye."

Lindsay poked Blake's subtle spike of light brown hair. The curled tip was still a bright purple. "This will not do."

She poked my messy fringe of dark brown waves. The tips were also a bright purple. "This won't do either. Come on boys, let's go dye your hair!"


An hour later, Blake and I were sitting in Lindsay's bathroom with caps of bleach on our heads.

"You sure that's the same shade as the dye you used?" I asked warily, eyeing the container of deep sea green. It seemed awfully bright.

"Relax," Lindsay said. "I used that same exact dye. I just mixed it with conditioner. Aren't you glad you have a friend like me who knows all about hair?"

"Most of the time." I dodged Lindsay's playful swat.

"Linds, I have something to tell you." Blake stuck his tongue out at her. "Stop practicing your flirting on Lucas for a moment, will you?"

"Alright babe," Lindsay kissed Blake's cheek. "What's up?"


"He's bi," I said.

"Lucas. Didn't you say you wouldn't out me to anyone?" Blake glared at me.

"Well, Lindsay isn't anyone," I said. "Besides, she already knew. And so did I. We were wondering when you were going to come out to us."

"But you seemed so surprised when we were walking to Lindsay's place!"

"I'm a good actor, aren't I?" I grinned at him.

"Don't worry, bitch," Lindsay said, flinging an arm around his shoulders. "It's not obvious to other people. Don't you know that lesbians are just great at picking out guys that like guys?"

Lindsay looked at me fondly. "I taught Lukey everything I know, too."

"Wait, how'd you figure it out?" Blake looked a little shocked.

She simply grabbed a can of soda and popped it open.

"That," Lindsay said, taking a sip from her soda can, "is a secret!"

"Oh," she said, as if she just remembered something. "Next time you're checking out the guys on the football team, try to be a little more subtle."

Blake looked embarrassed, while Lindsay winked at him and I giggled.

Who knew that this would the last perfect day I would have in a long, long time?


So, how was the first chapter? I'd appreciate feedback! Also, I know that this chapter was a little slow and boring (and short! :/ ) but I promise that things will pick up in the following chapters. (:

And, yes, I believe you can figure out where I got the chapter name from. (:

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