No one compares (a Niall Horan fanfic)

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"Mom, please?!" I beg my mom to get her to let me go to the mall with my friends. "No," she replies harshly. "I'm not letting you." I storm off to my room to feriously tell my best friend I cant go to the mall.

To Sky: "Dude! My mom isn't letting me go to the mall!! I'm so mad!"

Sky has been my best friend (more like sister) for about 13 years now. We can tell eachother anything and everything.

From Sky: "Awww that sucks! What are we gonna do??"

To Sky: "Sneak out"

And that was how my adventure got started.

I have my plan all set out. I'm gonna sneak out in the morning when my parents go to work, and then meet up with my friends at the mall. Priceless right?! We plan to go to the mall on Saturday, which is 2 days away.. *happy dance*

Sky and Skylar are total fangirls of One Direction, I don't hats them but I don't really like then either. I prefer rock, or other genres... not repetitive pop.

I chuckle at myself imagining myself a fangirl. Yeah, not gonna happen.

"Oh crap," I mumble to myself, " I cant find my coat!"

"What was that?" My older brother Chad walks in. I love my brothers, all three of them. No matter how stupid they are I'm always here for them. And I know they are always here for me too, it makes me happy to think even though they have so much going on on their lives that they still care and love for me. "I just cant find my coat, did you know mom wont let me go to the mall on Saturday?" I ask him, not afraid of showing how annoyed I am with my mother. "Yeah, she told me all about it. Don't worry lil sis, I'll drive you to the mall. Mom wont find out," he tells me quietly. "Omg, thank you soooo much! I love you!!" "Love you too sis." He says with a smile on his face. "I'm here for you." I walk into my room and start playing Pandora on my laptop, I start mouthing the words to "Sing" by My Chemical Romance.

Sing it out boy you've got to see what tomorrow brings

Sing it out girl you've got to be what tomorrow brings

For every time they count you out, use your voice every time you open up your mouth!

That song never gets old! I just love it. As I cuddle up into my fuzzy fleece blanket I begin to fall asleep.


Author's note:

So, I'm still trying to figure things out,,, I'm not too sure on how to make another chapter, but I guess I'll figure it out, right?


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Ug, my alarm is so annoying. I wake up at 6:00 in the morning, obviously so pumped to go to school. Highschool, I guess isn't too bad. It becomes more of a way of life, you get used to seeing your best friends, and enemies everyday. We only have a couple more months of school left.

I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans, my black ACDC tshirt, and my dark red Converse. Then, I walk over to my body mirrior, and lightly dust my eyes with black eyeshadow and eyeliner. "Hurry yo ass up!" I hear my mom yell at me from the living room. Why didn't I ever think I could carpool with someone else.. It's always great to have someone yell at you every morning. Hah, I guess it could be worse. I quickly throw my hair up in a high pony tail and run out to the car where my mom is impatiently waiting for me.

"Morning mom!" I always try to sound happy in the morning to see if that might put her in a better mood... But nope, I guess it doesn't work because what she responds with, you can clearly tell she isn't happy. "Why can't you EVER be early?? You take FOREVER!!" "Sorry mom, but I did wake up earlier than I have been!" I try to stay as calm as possible, although it's really hard when you become so mad so easily..

When i arrive at school, I see Sky and Skylar walking to the front door. It is such a coincidence how similar Sky and Skylars names are, I thought it was way weird when I first met them. I met Skylar in 6th grade, and I'm not even going to lie, I didn't know what to think about her. But as I continued to talk to her, the more I grew to liking her. Now that we all are seniors, is huge. I love Skylar, she is also like a sister to me. As I run to meet them, I wrap my arms around both of them, showing how much I love seeing them.

When we get to class I turn around and see Violett walking over towards the empty seat right next to me.

"Hey, whats up?" I ask her in a playful mood. "Nothing much, how bout you?"

I always envied how pretty Violett was, the first day I saw her I knew we would become best friends at some point. She has darkish brown hair that goes right above her shoulders, and has red tips. I always thought her hair was amazing. She usually wears red contacts, I'm not sure why because her eyes are so pretty by themselves, but she is pretty no matter what.

"Same, I'm so bored, and I hate this class." "Me too" When Violett and I first met, I knew we would become best friends. But it wasn't a super quick process. We hated eachother at first, and I'm not even sure why I hated her.. It was probably the fact that she hated me, and I didn't know why.

"Okay settle down class!" Mr. Biggerstaff yelled at us. "Today we are going to be finishing up our 5 paragraph essays! I need everyones turned in, and that applies to you too Elliot!" We all chuckle at his last comment.

As class goes on, it gets more boring by the second. "Hey Cass!" I hear Skylar whisper yell my nickname from the other row. "Hm?" "I have something to tell you, but I'll tell you later!" She quietly told me, with a smirk on her face, of course.

When I get home that day, I immediately call Skylar. "Hey gurl haay!" Skylar says, way overly excited. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me??" "ONE DIRECTION WILL BE THERE AND WE GOT TICKETS AND BACKSTAGE PASSES AND YOU AN VIOLETT ARE COMING!!!!!!" Wow, is she on crack? I hear her scream into my ear, "OMGGG!!" "Soo when is this happening??" I'm getting more impatient by the minute. This is gonna suck. "Tomorrow!!!!!!!!" I groan and sigh, "ug really?!" "Yes!" "Does Vi know????" I already knew that answer, he wouldn't know until we were in the parking lot. "You want me to tell her?" "NO WAY!" "Fine, be that way."

I turn on my music, choosing not to wear earbuds tonight and fall asleep nervous for what the morning will bring.

I wake up at 7:30 and immediately call Violett, since I know she'd be awake.

"Omg, you better be going to the mall still" I tell her quickly. "Why? Course I'm still going" "okay good, ill talk to you later"

I jump out of bed and hop in the shower, I'm gonna take a nice relaxing shower I think to myself.

*knock knock knock*

"Whaaaaaaat?!" I yell at the person who is impatiently knocking on my door who can obviously here I'm in the shower.

"You're running the water cold!!" My dad yells at me. Oh shit... I mutter to myself, I've been in here for an hour!

"Be right out!" I yell.

When I get out of the shower I throw on something that's a little out of my comfort zone. But cute nonetheless!

I pull out a cute (very short) multicolored sundress, and black booty shorts, along with my white sandals. After I clothe myself, I walk over to my body mirror and do both of my waterlines In a thick line of black eyeliner, and dark red mascara. I re look at myself and head downstairs to get breakfast.

I make myself scrambled eggs and bacon, and eat it quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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