T H R E E ~ Wakey Wakey

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This chapter is dedicated to @lilylovescanada for voting and adding this to one of her reading lists.
Thanks -G

Betty's PoV

To say I was intrigued by the Bacca was an understatement. Legends said they were extinct but Seto and I just happened to stumble upon one.

Mitch was still asleep, well actually he was knocked out while fighting a creeper according to the bacca, and Seto was getting anxious, but not about the boy. I pulled him aside from the others.

"Seto what's going on?"

"N-Nothing." I looked at him, very unconvinced.

"I might have bumped into someone and found the amulet on the floor." He looked down and It took me a moment to process it. He had the princes amulet.

"You found the amulet. The one most expensive thing ever in Minecraftia?"

"Um...Yeah?" He asked, more a question than a statement if you ask me.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go sell the damn thing!" I yelled a bit to loud because next thing I heard was a thud and groaning.

We looked back at the guys and saw Mitch had fallen off the sofa, onto Jerome and was rolling around groaning.

"Biggums get the fudge off me!" Jerome yelled. Mitch winced before rolling off him and slowly opening his eyes. I thought better than to question the nickname.

"Where are we dude?"

"The treehouse Mitch, are you okay?"

"Yeah what happened? And who are they?!" He yelled, only just acknowledging our existence. I was confused on why he was so scared, we weren't that terrifying were we?

"Relax buddy, there cool. This is Seto-" he gestured to the sorcerer beside me who waved shyly," and Betty." He gestured to me.


There was an awkward silence before I accidentally broke it.

"Seto found Sky's amulet!" I quickly covered my mouth and Seto looked terrified, like I mean he looked about ready to crap himself.

"Really? We've gotta sell it! We could become rich!" He rambled on about everything we could do which included:

1- buying a rocket and living on the moon.
2- buying the castle
3- getting the worlds biggest and most powerful canon and shooting things into space

"We're not selling it!" Seto yelled in frustration. We were all shocked by his sudden outburst as we all flinched and I took a step back and put my arms out trying to calm him.

His hands had purple flames errupting from his palms and his normally brown eyes turned a deep purple as he gritted his teeth.

"Easy Seto, calm down." I said soothingly.

It seemed to work as the purple flames disintegrated into purple dust that fell to the floor.

Jerome's PoV

Seto calmed down and Mitch looked amazed.

"He's a wizard?! That's so cool! And he found the amulet?!" I nodded and he fangirled slightly before regaining his composure.

I look at Betty who was laughing, her eyes crinkled and she looked really pretty.

Don't think that!
I did not just think that.
Well... I did.

I shook the thoughts out of my head.

"So what are we gonna do about the amulet if you won't sell it?" I asked.

"Simple. We're gonna find prince Sky."

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