F I V E ~ Flashback

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???'s PoV
I laughed and ran across the floating books before stopping on a gold block. I ran across the other blocks using momentum to make the hardest jumps. I pushed my brown hair out of my eyes and made the hardest jump first try.

I smiled and continued the parkour, making it to the tunnel of lava. I jumped across, not at all scared because I was a magma hybrid. Once I was out I looked forward and saw a girl floating in midair blocking my view of the sun. Her purple hair flailed wildly around her and there were purple particles forming around her. I was in a trance, hypnotised even, by this girl and I clumsily took a small step forward which caused me to fall down and when I saw what I would land on it was not good. Water, great for mortals not nether hybrids. I shrieked and desperately tried grabbing the ledge.

I was falling.

The girl ovbiously noticed me falling because she turned back allowing me to see her flawless face with glowing purple eyes. Even though it was small detail they were the first, and the last, thing I noticed. She snapped her fingers and suddenly I felt a hand grab mine before there was another snap and I was on dirt. The girl was hunched over me, her eyes no longer glowing. The particles faded away and she looked worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine... How...?"

"I'm an ender hybrid and you're a magma hybrid." I was confused but then remembered ender hybrids could sense other hybrids. Even if I had used an invisibility potion she would've known.

"Thanks, I'm Preston."

"And I'm sorry." She snapped her fingers and she was gone, leaving millions of thoughts going through my mind.

Lillia's PoV

Me and the others started flying with our dragons and we flew upwards before gliding through the air.
I thought back to memories of me and Sky.

~insert flashback music~

"Lillia! Where are you?" I heard him call out, I giggled from under the bed. I heard footsteps before seeing his feet in the room. A toothy grin spread on my face as he began circling the bed.

"Where is she..." He stopped near my head and I held my breath.

"Maybe she's... Under the bed!" He crouched and came face to face with me. I giggled and he pulled me out. He wore a goofy grin on his face and I messed around with his hair, obviously having a death wish.

"My hair!" He wailed dramatically and out a hand on his chest.

"Why?!" He cried out running into the bathroom. When he came out there was water on his cheeks, meant to look like tears but failing. I laughed and he pulled his hood over and started acting ghostly.
"Woooooh." he said and started creeping towards me. I shrieked purposely and at that moment the door burst open revealing Sky's mum.

"Sky! Come here this instant!" She screeched and he was clearly terrified but walked to her nonetheless. She pulled him out and slammed the room door and began yelling. That night the town fell asleep hearing his cries.

~flashback over~

That was why I was determined to find him, for vengeance on his parents. As soon as he'd left my family had been banished, never to return. It wasn't fair.

"Look!" Jerome yelled and we all stopped and looked down to see a boy with brown hair and a green shirt. He was panting heavily and had his eyes closed.

He was, in one word, beautiful.

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