Chapter 12

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Anna and Harry sat by the fire, discussing lesson plans for the DA meetings. It had been almost a week before the previous meeting and so far, everything had fallen into place.

"I think we should do patronuses, I mean, I think they'll enjoy learning-"

"Anna, do you know how advanced that is? I think we should do something else-"

"Well, didn't you learn how to cast a patronus only in third year?"

"Yeah, but I'm me," Harry said with an arrogant smirk. Anna just rolled her eyes.

"I'm debating whether or not I should smack you with that nearby copy of the Prophet right now."

"I would really appreciate it if you didn't."

"Mhmm, I'll take your wish into account," she said with a small laugh. "Okay, what lesson do you want to do?"

"Maybe-" the door to the boy's dorms opened and Harry stopped talking. The two turned around and saw Seamus Finnigan, hair messy and in button-down pajamas. Before Harry could make a snarky comment, Anna smiled sweetly at him.

"Hello Seamus," she said nicely, ignoring the grudge deep within her. He sat in the worn armchair next to the couch that currently seated Anna and Harry.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what I had said... I believe you two and I know it must have been really hard to have all of that happen...and I really didn't help... I'm just really sorry, and I hope you can find it in your nice heart to forgive me," Seamus made sure to talk mostly to Anna, considering the fact she would be ten times more likely to accept his apology than Harry. Of course, it worked.

"'re forgiven... Right Harry?" Anna said, making sure to strain her voice at that last part and nudged Harry. He gave a sigh.

"Yeah, I guess..."

"And I was wondering if...well..."

"You want to join the DA, don't you?" Harry asked boredly. Seamus gave a sheepish smile.

"Yes...but if you don't want me to then that's okay..."

"Come tomorrow for the meeting. It's in the Room Of Requirement."

"Which is?"

"And that is for you to figure out. Night Seamus," Anna said with a smirk. He gave a sigh and a nod before stumbling tiredly up the stairs.

"Can I ask why you let him join?" Harry asked irritably.

"Because there's no point in holding a grudge... And besides, if we didn't let him join, he could have told Umbridge about the DA since he somehow knows about it..."

"Okay, you're right..." Harry admitted and as if on cue, the clocked chimed once, indicating that it was one in the morning.

"Since we have classes tomorrow, I think it's best that we get to bed."

"Okay, but what are we doing for the meeting tomorrow?"

"That's up to you...surprise me. I love you," she said, giving Harry a quick kiss and a smile before going up to her dorm.

But Harry didn't go up to his dorm. He sat on the couch instead, trying to think. How was Voldemort going to attack this year? And why was Anna suddenly so calm about everything? It was like she didn't have a worry in the world. Just these thoughts brought him the insane anger transmitted by Voldemort. But what Harry didn't know is that Anna was twice as worried. Worried about Harry. Worried about the fate of the school. Worried about Voldemort. Of course she had learned how to put up a mental barrier against Voldemort, unlike Harry.

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now