Lunch and Dancing

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Rin's POV

After math class was English with Mrs. Utatane who was Piko's mom and the substitute teacher for our regular English teacher. Piko wasn't in this class so he was happy. But Yuki and Oliver were. It was as if they sat next to each other in every class they were together. Yuki never told me what she felt about Oliver. Maybe that's why she has her daily chats with Mr. Hiyama. I'm just guessing. Yuki was rather silent today. Maybe it was because Aoki wasn't here. And maybe she was trying to impress Oliver saying "My friends aren't brutal! And no, they did not just fight over your best friend Piko!" I would feel the same way. But I had no one to impress. Which was great. No. Really.

"Rin, would you please hand out the worksheets?" Mrs. Utatane said snapping me out of my thoughts and back to reality and I nodded and got up from my seat and Mrs. Utatane handed me a pieces of paper but then someone tripped me. I yelped but I didn't fall. I felt someone's hand on my wrist. I turned to look it was Len again. I sighed and smiled and he smirked back and I picked up the fallen papers and started to hand them out like nothing happened.

I sighed and passed myself the last sheet of paper and got out my pencil and began writing. Oh God. It was a test. I didn't study because I was too distracted with my mom and dad's conflict and Len having to do with this. Then I had to deal with Yukari and Aoki at school. I was glad that Yukari had went to my house that day to study with me. I was able to answer the front page's questions easily. But in the back of the test was like gibberish to me.

Come on, Rin. Think!

I wasn't able to answer them easily. But I figured out the answers eventually. I always hated the back side of tests. I have to put everything in full sentences and rewrite the question and write a short essay on the chapter. Ugh I hate it. The bell rung and I passed my test forward and the front desks returned to Mrs. Utatane and I went out of my class. "Oh and Len, can you make sure that Piko didn't use his lunch money on the arcade, okay?" Mrs. Utatane said and Len stopped to nod and her and exit the door. Does Piko do that often?

I got my lunch money safely secured between the small backpack pocket I left in my locker. It was so small that only my hands could reach it. But when I reached in, my lunch money wasn't there. Oh come on! Mom was too busy to pack me lunch! She just left an amount of money on the counter for my lunch. Now I don't have lunch. And I'm starving. But who knew the combination of my locker? Did I leave it open? But why would somebody take my lunch money? I took out a book from my locker and closed it walked to the cafeteria where I just sat there reading my book.

"Hey Rin?" Yuki asked me. I put my bookmark in between the pages I left on and faced Yuki. "Yeah?" "Where's your lunch?" Yuki asked and I sighed. She was with Oliver and Piko. Len was probably in line still. "Someone stole my lunch money," I said then Yuki gasped but she quieted down when Oliver whispered something in her ever. Yuki chuckled. "What? What did he say?" I asked Yuki curiously. She just laughed. "Oh nothing. Just that your knight in shining armor has to do with it," Yuki said. I furrowed my eyebrows puzzled. What was she talking about? "And who would that be?" I asked and Yuki couldn't help but laugh. Honestly, what is wrong with that girl? "Here he comes!" Yuki said and I rolled my eyes and before I knew it a Len was sitting in the spot next to me.

He had two trays of food in his hand. One filled with bananas. And the other one filled with delicious yummy food that I never knew the lunch lady would serve. It was my second favorite! First was oranges. Bentou. Mom and Dad were never able to cook it but we would always go to a Bentou Box restaraunt and the three of us would get the same thing all the time we went there. We were such a happy family then. But it all changed. "I payed the lunch lady extra for the Bentou," Len said and slid over the tray on the table in front of my eyes. It was mouth-watering. But I had to resist. It was Len's and his only other food was a plate of bananas!

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