Traverse Town

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Eleven years later

I was hiding in the library while mom, Aunt Daisy, Uncle Donald, and Uncle Goofy talked about my dad disappearing again. I slipped out and ran to my room. I changed out of my court clothing and into a beige vest, a dust pink zip up, crop top turtleneck, a red-brown skirt, my pink and grey boots, my red scarf-cape, and my belt. Over my skirt, I secured my pouches, my boomerang, and my gunblade. I tied my pink hair into a braid and raced out, my satchel slung over my shoulder. I dropped a note and ran into the gummy ship room. I slipped onto the gummy ship behind Uncle Goofy and hid in the supply closet.  I was going to help find my dad. I clutched my phoenix down necklace and mumbled "I'll find you dad. Make no mistake about that."

I felt the gummy ship stop and waited til Donald and Goofy left to run out of the gummy ship and explore. I noticed a boy walking through the door into the second district. I ran up to him and shuddered to a stop. Heartless. I activated my gun-blade and sliced the heartless. The boy behind me said "Whoa. That's a cool sword." I turned and said "Thanks. I'm Princess Seraphina. You can call me Serah. You are?" He blushed and said "Oh, I'm Sora." I said "The keyblade! That's cool! My dad has negative Kingdom Key. You know how to use it yet?" He shook his head. I said "I can help you. But, first, let's get back to the first district." I grabbed the boy's hand and we ran back to the first district. Sora dragged me into the accessories shop and then pulled me out. "They'll come at you out of nowhere." I pushed Sora behind me and said "Who's there?!" Sora said "Yeah!" I turned swiftly, my gun-blade going from sword to gunas I swung it out. "And they'll keep on coming at you." I lowered my weapon and said "Merlin Almighty Leon. You scared the bejesus out of me!" He ignored me and said "As long as you continue to wield the keyblade." He raised his hand to his forehead and said "But, why?" He shook his head. "Why would it choose a kid like you?" I said "He's only just unlocked his key Leon. It hasn't even been a full hour since he first used it." Leon said "Serah, let me see him and the keyblade." I gave him a dry look and said "Don't go to hard on him Leon. He's not as experienced as me." They battled and Sora came out on to. "How?" Sora swayed and fell. I caught him and a girl I didn't recognize said "Aw, you're slipping, Leon." Leon said "I went easy on him." He looked back at Sora and I and said "It looks like things are worse than we thought. A lot worse." I shifted the smaller boy and stood up. He was definitely not taller than me, nor was he heavier, making it easy for me to carry him to the hotel.

I was sitting next to Sora, waiting for him to wake up. Yuffie asked Sora some questions and he said "I'm so glad you're okay Kairi." Yuffie said "Kairi, what are you talking about? I'm the great ninja Yuffie." I turned and said "I think you over did it Squall." He said "It's Leon." Sora looked over to where Leon was standing to see his keyblade leaning against the wall. "The keyblade..." he said with wonder. Yuffie gave him a look and started explaining, "Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures. It turns out, that's how they were tracking you." Then Leon added, "It was the only way to conceal your heart from them, but it won't work for long. Still hard to believe you of all people are the chosen one." Sora looked up at Leon, who was picking up The keyblade. Leon sliced it through the air and it disappeared from his hands in a flash of light and reappeared in Sora's hands. I smirked at Leon and said, "Well I guess beggars can't be choosers." Sora glared at me and said, "Why don't you start making sense! What's going on here?" I said "Worlds are disappearing and my dad left to find out what was happening. I hid aboard my uncles Gummi Ship and searched for you. Keyblade a are usually passed from master to apprentice. There are oddities though, like my dad's old friend. His was a result of his heart being fractured. You had no idea what a keyblade was, so maybe your heart was in contact with his and your keyblade was dormant until your friends were in danger. Princesses of Pure hearts usually don't have key blades or weapons in general, I do, but because I'm a special kind of Princess of pure-heart. Er, I meant weapon. I don't have a keyblade." Sora said "So, you're a special kind of princess?" I said "Yeah. The other princesses don't have weapons." Sora nodded and said "Okay, that's cool." I said "My parents decided I needed a weapon after I was attacked when I was five." Sora said "Heartless?" I said "Little ugly black things that were attacking us? They're living beings without hearts. They're attracted to the darkness in people's hearts." Sora said "Is that a religion?" I said "What? No. I'm actually Jewish." Sora said "Oh! So that's why you have that necklace." I nodded and said "It's a star of David. You've seen one of these before?" He said "Yeah. My best friend before Kairi had one." Yuffie suddenly pointed behind Sora and I turned quickly. I turned Blazefire Sabre into a sword and Leon yelled "Yuffie! Go!" She turned and ran into the next room. Leon said "Sora, Seraphina, let's go." I nodded and followed Leon out the window. The moment Sora and I landed, Leon said "Don't bother with the small fry. Find the leader." I nodded and Leon ran off. I started cutting through the heartless and cleared a path to the third district. Sora kept opening chests and gathering potions, synthesis material, and postcards. We got to the third district, only to be crushed by my uncles. They both yelled "The key!" I said "Ears!" They looked at me and yelled "Seraphina?" My eyebrow twitched and said "Yes? I'm more use with you two than at home. I can help, being a light and fire enchantress. Mom and Aunt Daisy have the other Guardian Corps." They got off me as more Heartless popped up. I smirked and put Blazerfire Sabre in gunmode. I jumped up onto a ledge and began firing. I took out plenty of heartless before being knocked off of the ledge. I twisted and landed in a catlike crouch. I said "Now, wasn't that fun." Sora said "Sarah! Move!" I backflipped out of the way and landed next to Sora. The guard armor swung an arm, but I blocked it and cast a firaga. I weakened the offending arm and switched Blazefire Sabre to sword mode. I slashed my sword with Sora by my side. The two of us did mêlée attacks with Goofy while Uncle Donald healed us. I grinned and said "Sora. Uncle Goof. Launch me at the body." Both stooped down and I stood in their hands. "On my count." They nodded and I coiled up like a spring and said "Three. Two. One. Now!" They launched me straight at the body and I cast a firaga on my entire body. I pointed my gun-blade forward and I pierced the Guard armor's body and set it ablaze. I flew out the other side and rolled to a stop. I cast a cure on myself and sat up.

I stood before Uncle Donald and Uncle Goofy. Uncle Donald said "What were you thinking Seraphina?! You stowed away on a ship! Your mother must be so frightened and worried!" I said "My mother is dead. My mom, on the other hand, is safe and she knows where I am. I left her a note telling her I was helping. I wasn't lying when I said she had the Guardian Corps and the soldiers to protect her. Lightning, Hope, and Sazh know that my mom and Aunt Daisy's protection fall to them, Max, and Clarribel. You can't expect me to be a good little princess and stay home. I share the same blood as the Jewish men and women who have been discriminated against since the beginning of Judaism. I share the same blood as Moses, Prince of Egypt. A man who reacted against unfair treatment against his people. I am not a little girl uncle. I am a warrior in her fifteenth year. And you know I won't let anything happen to my dad. You might not remember what happened the last time my dad ran off, but I do. Four people died last time. One of them was the same age I am now. It's my job to protect this keyblade wielder. Him, the two others, the next three, and the three after that. My mother gave me this job. She was the Guardian before me." I turned and Sora said "You were looking for me? Me specifically?" I said "Yeah. Guardians get dreams of the keyblade wielders they're assigned to. That's how I know about Rika and Kairi." Sora said "Wow. That's. That's cool. How many guardians are there?" I said "I'm the last one." He looked down and said "Oh." I said "Don't be sorry. There are times when there's only one Guardian left and that guardian lives until the next ones are born and then they train the next ones to be the best Guardians ever." Sora said "Wow." I smiled and said "If you come with us, I can guarantee we'll find your friends." He said "Really?" I nodded and said "One of them is the second wielder I need to protect." Sora nodded and Leon said "Go with them, if you want to find your friends." I said "But you can't come with us looking like that. Sad or Scary faces aren't allowed. Smile. Smiles power the ship." Sora laughed and said "Smiles, Li-like this?" He made the funniest face ever. I busted up laughing and said "Oh man. That's beautiful Sora!" Goofy said "That's such a great face! The Best!" Sora nodded and said "I'll go with you! If, you know, you'll let me on your ship?" Uncle Donald said "Donald then." Uncle Goofy said "I'm Goofy." Sora said "I'm Sora." I said "I'm Seraphina." We all put our hands in and I said "What was it you two and dad would say back when you were musketeers?" Uncle Goofy said "All for one and One for all. Now, let's party!" I snorted and said "I like it."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!!" Sora asked impatiently, "Where's this ship o' yours?" I said "Wait a minute Sora." He skidded to a stop. Uncle Donald said "We're gonna be visiting plenty of places, but... Needta obey the laws of Non-Interference. Don't tell anyone we're from off world." I said "Which applies most of the time, except in the case of soulmates, or in my case, when I was training under Morgana." Sorta said "Why not?" Uncle Goofy said "To preserve the borders of the worlds." Uncle Donald yelled "That's 'the orders of the worlds' you dimwit!" I rolllede my eyes and said "Sadly, that order's gone to the dogs and wherever you find those heartless, there's ruin and chaos." Sora said "Ya know Seraphina, you remind me of a little girl I knew when I was really little. She was really smart." I said "She sounds like someone I'd like." Sora said "Maybe. She was absolutely terrified of fighting though." I said "I didn't like conflict either. I bet she got over her fear of fighting too." Sora said "I hope so."

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