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This chapter is edited:) :) :) I hope you like it. Comment your opinion.



I was hearing my name from behind me. So, I turned around and it was my best friend. Her name is Selena, but I call her Sel. She is crazy as hell, and I love her. She was running toward me with a big smile. Last time I seen her smile that big she was with her ex boyfriend, Patrick. He is a cheater, a player, a man whore, and he was trying to get with all of her friends, even me. I think you get the point. When she got to my locker, she was outta breath. I shook my head and turned back to my locker. I grabbed my water bottle and gave it to her.

"Here" I told her.

She took it and started to chug it down.

"Thirsty much?" I asked

"Yes, yes I am" She answered with a smile. "Thank you, I needed that"

"You're not welcome."

"Okay, anyway you'll never guess what I heard."

" OMG what did you hear Sel" I tilt my head with a smile.

"Haha smart-ass, but you know that new guy that moved here a couple weeks ago?"

"You mean Chase."

Chase is a new guy. He is cute and all but he is one of the jock. Most Jocks at Pow High think they are all that. But actually to me, their not. Yes, all the jocks are athletic and they think they are popular because everybody knows their names. But everybody know my name but I'm not a jock. Yeah I may be a cheerleader and all but I'm mostly a tomboy. I'm not afraid to get dirty.And yes, I may dress like a city girl. They know me because we all grew up together from elementary. Kindergarten to being a seniors.

"Yeah him, he was talking about you" Sel said with a big smile.

"Okay, so"

"Your not happy. He might have a crush on you and he is cute"

"Yes he is cute. But I don't need a guy in my life to be happy. I have my family and you. And most guys want one thing and I'm not saying yes to a guy that I don't deeply love. If or when I do meet that guy, it will be a different story. For now I don't give a shit."

"Hey, ninja" Chris said while hugging me.

"Hellur" I said hugging him back.

Chris is the most awesome person on the planet. He is funny as fuck. And you can trust him with anything.

"What's up?" he asked us.

"Waiting for her to answer why she won't date someone." Sel told chris, while looking at me.

"So whom is this someone?" Chris asked me.

"Chase." I mumbled

"Ohhh, Anyway got to go but he is a great guy you will like him when you get to know him and you two will look cute together" Chris said.

When I looked over I saw Chase at his locker. And Patrick was standing next to him. When Patrick saw Sel and I, he came over. Chase followed behind him.

"What the fuck do you want dick," I said to Patrick.

"Why do you have to be so mean," He said back, And he look at Sel and smiled.

"Why do you have to be a 5 year old in an 18 year old body" I turned back to my locker "Anyway what do you want now or do you just want Sel"

Patrick rolled his eyes and turn to Sel " So, Sel can we talk later"

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