chapter 6

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Hope pov.

The man in front of me is my mate. This gorgeous man in front is my mate. Can you call a man gorgeous? I think so those beatiful eyes there so perfect he is so perfect in every way. The way his hair is push back and look so mafia style frame his face so well and the hight of this man is good enough for me even in my heels even if I'm short I always want my man to be taller. His sun tan looks delicious just picturing my hand rubbing against his huge body make me so execited..... hold on what am I saying I just met him. Get your mind out the gutter hope bad girl, bad girl. O....m....g. his lips are so beautiful they look juicy they way he lick his lips and moves them as they produced sweet words. Words. Crap I didn't even realize he was talking crap crappie crap. Ugh what is he saying.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you I owe my third in command a apologies he actually the one to set up this party and knowing him he going to be full of hot air once he knows I found the love of my life." He couldn't help himself starring into her beautiful eyes she look so pure and innocent untainted he liked that a change in scenario from the previous girls. Almost feeling a little guilty when he think of the other girls that came before his precious mate. He happy that he found his mate now and didn't have to go down the same path as his father. Ii also make his happy that his mate doesn't have go threw the same pain as his mother.

"All pack members return to pack territory immediately we have rogues outside the border "! Hope whimpered as she herd the shouting of her father voice in her ear sad that she had to leave her mate whom she just met and already she was being pulled awayed.

Wyatt looked guilty as he looked at him mate thinking that she read his mind only to grab her slowly and pulled her into a reassuring hug while sniffing her hair only to be pushed away with little force and that earned a growled. He looked into her eyes and saw regret and began to get upset think that she was about to say four little words that could break his world. Before he could stop her she whisper softly "I have to go".
Running in wolf speed she ran down the stairs hearing a growl that sent chills to her bones and awoken a dangerous thing. "Am I a masochistic." Shaking away her though remembering that she has a mate to out run while her inner wolf whimpered but agreed because she wanted to protect her pack relived that her wolf new what was important. Pushing the hormonal body she used her twin lepothy to find her twin grinding on some cute boy but not as cute as her mate that she lost in the crowd. Pulling her by her arms she drags her towards the back door of the house threw the kitchen.

"Hey what the hell." Yelled faith embarrassed that she would do that in front of the cute guy she was getting to know. "What the hell are you doing." Waiting for a response while still being drug to the side of the house by her arm and stopping by putting her heels into the ground which wasn't the best idea sent she had heels on and getting them stuck in the mud and breaking the back of her heel. "Growling really loud. "Will you fu*king stop, you just mad me break my heel and embarrassed me in front of that guy. Now I asked you a fu*king question. What the he'll are you doing."

Pissed off and slowly turning around with tight fist she starred at her sister like she just lost her fu*king mind. "One the pack is under attacked and two that a random guy so I really don't give a fu*k if I embarrassed you , matter of fact the only person who should feel embarrassed should be me cause you make me look cheap oh and let me think your fu*k mate who would have killed the s.o.b for putting his hand on what belong to him."
Faith was shocked that her sister had spoked to her like that but she composed her self real fast. "Ladi the fu*king tee da Well let me tell you something then since your not up to date one we don't have a mate yet so I can do and what I want when I want until he arrive so where ever you brought them cheap as balls that you though you was going to wear tonight between your legs you might want to take them back before it cost to get your ass to get whipped sweetie."

Hope was not going to back down tonight she was not going to let her sister disrespect her or her mate even if she didn't meet him yet. They both walk up to each other stand head to toes viciously growling at eat other read to shift but only being separate by chloe who look like she was about to piss on herself.

"Hey,hey, hey break it up you both can't be changing and fight right now like hope said we have a pack to defend that is under attack we can't do this right now." Pulling faith towards the car and pushing her into the back while hope control her breathing and moving toward the driver side of the car taking in one more breath before finally getting end.

This is not how she planned her night.

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