Chapter 7

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Faith POV

The drive back was so intense, fuck cutting it with a knife you need a machete. Hope was driving which was smart because I would've wreck the car with my sour attitude. Chole was to busy on her phone trying to get in communication with her parent to ask question about our pack safety. Ignoring my little fight and compared to all our fight it was petty. However I still wasn't going to apologies first I know it stubborn but hey a wonderful gift I got from my mother. There was only one way for each of us to apologizes without saying the words that needed to be said. Taking out my phone I went on I.G. looking at funny memes I screenshot a funny picture of some girl blowing up some boy on her DM and sent it to hope's phone then going to my playlist looking for the perfect song and waited for hope to read her messages then watching over her should. I know she driving but hey were teenager we rebel at least we have on seat belt. "So we can be safe" I don't why i always think of dora when I put on my seat belt i guess that one thing i learned from her and that if you have a answer wait a whole minute before giving your answer. I saw that she open it and saw a small smirk on her face. Then as she looked in the mirror and saw my face it went away washing all her emotion from her face I press played and in the silence you could hear it yo gotti " going down in the DM". What once was a crooked smile turn in to a full smile and I joined her as we both started to laugh like hyenas while chloe looked at us as if we not just fighting a minute ago.

The laughing stop but was replace with worries as we parked our car near our pack boarders. turning off the car we all got out and chloe striped and began to take off all her clothes passing it to me she then shifted and awaited orders. I on the other hand put her clother in the trunk will my sister began to suited up as the alpha daughter we were trained to fight without are wolf and learn together how to take out our enemy with weapons. Our fighting gear consist of black pants that were tight and had alot of pockets that held 1 gun with a silencer and a bananas clip that was filled with wolf bane bullets and two long hunter knife that was lace with wolf bane. Finally dress we both looked at each other walking towards chloe I mind-linked her that she need to stay low to the ground and alert us if their any threats. looking toward my sister I started to notices a sweet smell coming from her it was intoxicated what the hell. I was slowly walking towards her sniffing the air an then I realized it was faint not that strong which mean she came in contact with someone.

"That little bitch" was all my wolf said growling at her I was lost "what, what is it" I said questioning my wolf while I was starring at my sister who was looking guilty as shit. why would she feel guilty "Because she met our mate that fucking selfish Bitch WITHOUT TELLING US." my eye growing in tense I felt my nose in flare as I growled so loud at my sister.

Before she had a chance to speak I held her up against a tree by her throat snapping at her facea ready to let my wolf kill her. With anger blinded by my action I didn't even notice that my sister was gaining control pushing back with her feet I stumble quickly catching my footing. locking gazes with her I was so over the point of hatred I was hurt and It was all my sister fault my other half. yeah I have a soul mate that she hide from me but the bond between twin it like having a heart and cutting it into three piece so this betrayal killed a little of me inside.

"How could you" I said threw gritted teeth knowing that my eyes were pure black.

"It's not what you think, just calm down breath." hope said in a calming tone which was pissing me off more I wanted her to yell to say something smart so I can have a reason for knocking the fuck out of her but why. I know my sister like the back of my hand so I know that she would never hurt me on purpose and when we fight she never went bellow the belt so why.

"Ahhh" screaming out loud I walked back in fourth and breathing threw my nose. while kicking a poor frog watching It fly threw the air into a lake. looking toward the trader waiting for a good ass excuse cut it better be better than Kanye west apology to taylor swift.

" I know what your think and yes I can explain everything okay." after five minutes with no commercial break I look towards the ground and growled not at my sister but at myself was I defective did my mate not want; going into shock I remember when hope pulled me off that cute boy. Fuck, what if my mate saw me with that stranger did he reject me and just accepted my sister. "impossible he can't rejected one of us, we come in a pair if that was the case he would never feel whole and continue to look for us hell he better." After reassurance with my mate I look toward my sister and she began to slowly approached me taking causes step like I was a injured wolf the only thing that was injured was my pride. she hugged me swaying and patting my hair "Hey, it okay the mansion was crowded and he probably didn't know. after all we were split up he had no clue it not like he could get to us bothat thr same time if anything let just be happy that he met one of us now we know what he looks like we just have to figure out who he is if anything he should be looking for us soon." taking in everything she said I sigh of release at long breath and smile forgiving her without words and my wolf was less frustrated."

'well, well look what we have here boys, it must be our lucky day cause it like we have three unmated wolf. Awwe and look their twin would have been better if they were triplet but hey will take what we can get."

Turning our bodies towards the annoying sick voices was five rouge wolf and one of them had chloe by her hair smiling.

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