Chapter 1

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"You need to leave. Now." She said as she gave me her necklace along with a bag full of clothes with some food. Worry in her tone.

"But where do I go?" I asked scared and confused about what was happening.

"I don't know just run and remember never let anyone mistreat you and stay strong." She said ushering me out the door. "You have Alpha blood in you, use it to your advantage." She choked out through tears.

"Mom please don't leave me!" I screamed through tears of my own.

"It's going to be ok Sweetie just know that I love y-" she was cut off by a wolf ripping out her throat. I stood wide eyed but did as I was told and ran not looking back at the massacre behind me.
I have no idea where I am. It's been at least 2 hours since I have left the pack house with my dead family inside. I'm not crying....... Yet. I think I'm still in shock at what happened, that and I'm only 7. But I'm smart for my age, at least that's what Mum always told me.

I was getting tired and thought it would be best if I got some sleep before trying to find a place to live. It will be easier in the day.

I put the bag of clothes and food down and was about to rest against a tree when 2 wolves came into view.

"See Leo I told you it was a young wolf not a rouge." The women said shaking her head once she shifted back. I was also in my human form considering I'm not old enough to shift yet.


Rouge. I've heard that word before but wha- oh my. It suddenly clicked, rouges are what killed my pack and family.

I backed away fear consuming me.

"She is still a rouge Mal." The man said shifting as well. They brought clothes so they were covered.

"Look we're scaring her." The woman said with a frown. "It's ok we won't hurt you." She said etching forward to me.

"Leo don't you see this is a sign... an opportunity." She said to the man then looked to me. "Are you alone?" She asks me.

I slowly nodded my head. Still confused, they think I'm a rouge?

"See? Ask David if we can keep her." She said while a big smile made its way onto her face.

"Mal are you sure I mean I know you can't have kids and all but is really picking up some random roug-" Mal sent him a glare then turned back to me.

"What's your name beautiful?" She said looking into my eyes.

"Ainsley." I whispered out.

"What a pretty name. Where are your parents?" She said the last part slowly knowing it would be a touchy subject.

"Dead." I replied simply and sadly.

"Here." She said sticking out her hand. I looked at it skeptically but took it nonetheless.

After walking a while the man named Leo turned to us.

"David said he would like to see her in person before allowing us to keep her." He said. Mal nodded her head and soon we came to a big house that was a deep blue and had what looked like white shutters. It was hard to see in the dark.

There were what looked like guards standing in front of the house along with a big man who radiated power.

"Is this her?" The man asked squatting down to my eye level.

"Yes, and she doesn't have a home can Leo and I pretty please have her. I mean she can't harm anyone. She can't even shift yet." Mal said persuasively.

"True but what happens when she does shift she could destroy the pa-" he was interrupted by a tall beautiful woman with a little boy who looked around my age trailing behind her.

"Now Darling I think you are blowing this way out of proportion. If the little one grows up in the right environment she will be a great addition to the pack. What do you think Alex?" She said looking down at the boy.

"She's pretty." He squeaked out. I immediately blushed and hid my face behind Mal's leg.

"That she is Alex. Why don't Mal and Leo take....." The woman looked to me for my name but Mal beat me to it.

"Ainsley." She said.

"Ainsley back to their house and explain to her the situation and when she's ready we will make her part of the pack." She said with elegance and authority.

"Yes Luna." Leo and Mal said simultaneously.

We walked away from 'luna' and headed to a much smaller brick house.

My mom was called Luna too. I bet it was a common name or something.

"Ok" Mal started. "This is where you will be living with Leo and I. We will act as your...guardians." She finished with a small smile.

I was actually excited I mean not about my real parents gone but that someone will take care of me and explain to me everything I need to understand.

I shouldn't be sad. You can't turn back time so might as well accept whatever you can get.

"How about you get some sleep and tomorrow Leo and I will go into further detail."

"Ok." They walked me over to a bed and tucked me in.

"Goodnight Ainsley." Mal said the kissed my forehead along with Leo.

"Goodnight." I whispered back wishing my real mom was here to tuck me in instead. But hey everything happens for a reason.


Heeeeyyyyyy so how do you like it? I will try and update as much as I can. School is tarting back up again soon so I will be busy with that.

I'm not gonna assign characters for this story so sorry but I want you to imagine whoever you like.

Anyway I want you readers to vote and comment suggestions maybe just talk to me constructive criticism is always appreciated. :)

This chapter was a little wishy washy with the direction if that makes any sense. But to clear things up David is the Alpha and the little boy Alex is his son and the woman is David's mate.

Also Mal and Leo are mates but Mal is unable to have children that's why she saw it as an opportunity to keep Ainsley.

So now that that's cleared up I hope you continue read my book. :)


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