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The rest of the week went by in a blur for the curly haired boy. From trying to look cool in front of his crush to keeping his grades up-school was defiantly more eventful than usual. The morning of the next week the boy had woken up earlier than usual, feeling the need to look nice for the older boy. He made sure that after he showered he put on his favorite cologne, and that his hair was perfectly in place. He ate a fulfilling breakfast and made sure his teeth were squeaky clean. The curly haired boys mother was also confused on why he was dressing up so fancy for a day of school.

"Mum, this isn't fancy at all. If anything I thought you'd tell me to button up my shirt!" Harry looks down at his black top, which was unbuttoned practically to his belly button. It happened to show off all of the tattoos he's collected over the past two years.

"I think you look cute Harry! It's just I was wondering if you had a date or something you were getting ready for," His mother Anne winked. The boy made a gagging noise, then said goodbye. He waited for only a shocking three minutes before Liam arrived. Curly clambered into his mates car and immediately received feedback from his friends.

"What the hell Harry! I thought you were trying to impress him not try to come across as a se.x object!" Liam scolded.

"Yeah, you literally just started talking to him this year I think you should take it down a notch," Niall laughed at the boy.

"What's wrong with my outfit! I think it makes me look rather dashing," Harry flipped his rather long locks.

"Yeah, your lucky we don't have a dress code." Liam scoffs. The boy nervously picks at his nails as he waits for the lads to arrive at their destination. 

Once they arrived at the school Harry was anxious to see Louis, especially since he was on speaking terms with him. He arrived at his locker slower than expected. He opened the cold metal door and took his time placing his things in the blue cubby.

"So who's the new girl?" The cherry liped, blonde approached.

"What?" Harry scoffed. He closed the door, then leaned on the cool surface.

"You have to have another girl in your life, especially dressing like that. I mean, no one looks that hot at school." His ex crosses her arms.

"Taylor, I don't have another girl."

"Then why are you dressing like that all of a sudden? Your showing off your abs and tattoos, which you never do. And its honestly kinda unfair." 

"I can dress however I want. And not all of them, I still have my sides and biceps covered." Harry was flattered at such compliments. He was also alarmed that his ex was speaking to him like this though. Wasn't it called an ex-girlfriend for a reason?

"Yeah, I guess. Well I'm going to class. Catch you later!" The boy looked down at the butterfly tattoo on his chest and sighed. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to dress up.

"You look nice today," someone in white converse whispers. Harry blushes.

"Thanks Louis."

"You got a date tonight?" The kitten asks.

"No just felt like dressing nice."

Before the boy took a turn to Algebra with Zayn, he could have sworn he heard the older boy whisper, 'You're turning me on'.

The young boy gasps and covers his pink lips as the raven haired child laughs. The class took an odd turn for the day, making Zayn and Harry partners for a project. The young boy scurries over to the raven-haired God. He's surprised to see how put together the boy seems.

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