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"What does that mean?" Niall jumps around in the passenger seat.

"I don't know Niall! I'm really happy though!" Harry smiles. Finally he's happy. Happy with no bad thoughts.

"Sounds like you two might start dating soon mate," Liam chimes in.

"What if we did," Harry gazes off.

"I haven't seen you so happy in ages!" Niall grabs Harrys hand to squeeze it.

"Yeah, I'm really glad for you Harry," Liam grins eat to ear.

"Well the real thing to be happy about is Sophia asking when you two are going to have dinner with her parents," The boy teases. Liam blushes and tells the boys about his princess. The boys talk until the lunch bell rings and they have to return to class, and since they had C lunch, that meant that they only had two more class periods till choir.

"Harry, will you go help Mrs. Torez? She asked if you can be her teacher aid for the day instead of mine," Mr. Lynn asked.

"Of course!" The younger boy nods. He heads down to the hall and looks for the auditorium. Theater was apparently practicing for some play. He had no idea why the drama teacher would want his help, he had never taken it before. When he enters, his anxity kicked in as all the eyes were on him.

"Mr.Styles! Come down here and sit! I need your opinion on the upcoming musical, Annie!" Mrs.Torez yells from the stage. Harry nervously walks down and sits with the students up front.

"Hey, I'm Christiana." A girl with short black hair whispers.

"I'm Harry," He mumbles.

"I don't really do anything in the play, I'm just the music guy."

"That's still a lot to do," Harry says. She shrugs and walks over to the door that lead to backstage.

The young boy jumps as someone grabs his shoulder, "Harry! What are you doing in here?"

He turns around and sees Louis. His heart starting beating ten times faster than before, he his cheeks begin to heat up. Thank the lord the only lights on were the spotlights that hit the stage.

"Uh, Mrs.Torez asked me to watch the play."

"We're not even doing the whole play today, only the singing parts," Louis frowns. "Anyways, come sit in the back with me. There's only three other juniors in this class and I do not plan on them talking to you."

"Okay," Harry whispered back. The crept to the last row and lounged out by each other.

"Harry! We're going to start he play now, pay close attention!" She yelled back at the boys. "And Louis! You be sure to be backstage five minutes before you go on!"

"Alright!" Harry watched the older boy shout back. The kitten then whispered into his ear that he would fill him in on anything he missed. The younger boy just nodded in response.

"So, I'm just going to get straight to the point," Louis whispered under the loud singing, "After last night... I was wondering what your thoughts were."

Harry's eyes went wide and he began to ramble, "Uh, well um, I was going to ask what that... Well what does that make us?"

Harry watched the older boy smile, "What do you want it to mean Harold?"

"I mean... I kinda wanted us to start dating," He confesses. The younger boy feels sick to his stomach at his words. Why did he just say that? Of course Louis wouldn't want to date someone like him.

"Well then," Louis grabs the younger boys large hand. "I'm your boyfriend."

"Wait what," Harry gasps. He looks down at Louis's small fingers that lay on his palm.

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