In the begining(chapter 1)

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Hey guys this my first story btw srry if I don't have correct punctuation.Ill try my best though and I will post once every 2 days at least so bye ima make this fucking story!!! (btw there is going to be strong language)

1year after the start of the apocholypse

(Christina's POV)I don't want to live in this horrible world."I'm going to end this right now,because I can't take it anymore it's too fucking hard to survive,"I said to myself with tears tumbling down my face.I don't know what to do anymore all I do is kill and survive it's no use.There is no end to those monsters out in the horrible rotting world now.There is just too many.
That's when I was about to jump so it was over,or so I thought.Thats when a misterious hand grabed my arm I was shocked who else could that be I was here alone.Then I looked and I saw him .He was very charming,but that didn't matter I wanted to die."why were you going to do that,"he asked desperately wanting an answer.I didn't want to be saved dumbass so leave me alone!"my name is Daryl not dumbass thank you,so don't call me that!"Daryl screamed in a angry voice."Well then Daryl can you please leave I don't need your dumb saving right now,"I said sarcastically.
"No,"he exclaimed "You need to come with me where it is safer,and we have food and water there."......I didn't know what to say I had a group but they all died and I didn't want to go through that hurt again.He did say they have food and water which meens they probably have shelter so just for the heck of it I said........Yes I will go with you.Then he proceeded to ask me these questions,"How many walkers have you killed"......a lot......"How many people have you killed"......4......"Why"......They attacked me so I defended myself because I didn't want to die but now I do......"Well maybe that will change soon,"he said with a smirk.Just like that and then we started heading to his groups base.

Well that's the end of chaper one I hope you enjoyed my first story so far I'm planning on posting soon (Btw srry that it's short it's my first story and I don't really know what I'm doing)

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