Work(chapter 3)dirty!!

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Hey guys today i am writing chapter 3 which is supper!!!!!!dirty!!!!!!So it was a suggestion and I'm able to do any thing you guys want me to do in the story.!!!!✌️

Waking in the morning

(Christina's POV)Today waking upwas hard because I haven't sleep in a bed in forever.Rick said he wanted me to meet someone today.I told Daryl that if there was anything I could do for him to tell me.Speaking of Daryl here he comes."Hey,Christina do you want to go on a small run to go get some supplies,because we are running low on clothes,"Daryl explained to me.Umm who was the girl I'm meeting today Rick?"Your going to be meeting this girl named Michone,"Rick said"Also do you have any extra things that the group could use."Yeah I'll give you some of my guns and ammo that I have in my bag.Also I have a ton of knifes you could use too."Ok thanks,"Rick said"Oh look Michones here now,why don't you say hi to her she's really nice.
     (Rick's POV)Michone I want you to keep an eye on her,because I still don't trust her."Ok I will,don't worry she won't go out of my sight because I don't want to die,and I don't think anyone wants to either,"Michone said very understanding.Also why'll you guys are meeting up show her around that way she's knows who she's living with.Please just watch her,and make sure she's safe.Same as for everyone else too.
     (Christina's POV)I hope these people aren't planning on killing me.This is the first time in forever I actually had a good group that I like.Hey I'm Christina,and I'm guessing your Michone.I really hope we can be friends."Hey,yeah me too that could really be fun,"Michone said."Oh and by the way Christina do you want to take a shower,because I know you probably haven't had one in a while.So that would be pretty cool I guess.
     (Michone's POV)I'm not too concerned for this girl,because I don't think she will be much of a problem for our group.Plus we are stronger than one girl no matter what will happen."Hey Michone?"Christina asked"How did you guys get all these supplies to even have showers,also is there anyone else I can meet."We just did a lot of runs and finally found the right place to settle down which is really good.Also I think you should get to know everyone really well,because it will help you live easier and longer here,and that may help to everyone's advantage.

      5 hours later of meeting people in
the group

(Daryl's POV)"Oh I think we need to go do work now,"I thought to myself.Hey Christina we need to go on our run so we are actually getting something done here."Ok I will go In a second I'm going to tell Michone bye,"Christina answered back"Ok Michone I'm going with Daryl right now on a run so I'll see you later."Are you ready to go go now or do you want to say goodbye to everyone now,because we ain't got all day to do a run for supplies and clothes and maybe some other things too ok.Well let's go and right now please.
(Christina's POV)Ok well let's go and get some supplies for our group.That way we can live longer here."Yay let's go right now then,"Daryl exclaimed.With that we left to go on our run to get supplies.

2 hours of killing and searching later

(Daryl's POV)Uh hey Christina I wanted to tell you something......"what is it Daryl?"I Love you,I know it's early in our friendship. It is true and I wanted to tell you so bad. Before anything you know happened.Then we started kissing very intamately.Then I started to take her top off very slowly,and began to suck and lick her extremly good feeling tits.She tasted very good.Then I felt her starting to get really wet.It was really turning me on,but I kept just going and kissing her bootyful  body.Then I took her pants off and I started licking her and touching her through her panties."Daryl ugh,she moaned,stop teasing me."No I want to make you have fun like no other time Christina.

She then dies from orgasming too hard

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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