Meeting Strangers(Chapter 2)

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Hey guys chapter 2 is done it took me a while to do this well bye guys I hope you enjoy.I will be posting daily ✌️

                1 day of walking later

     (Daryl's POV)Hey guys I met this wonderful woman when I was out on my run.I hope she will be useful towards our group.By the way Rick you don't have to worry I asked her the questions already she's fine to go.
     (Christina's POV)I don't know these people very much,but what's the worst that could happen."What's your name mine is Rick,"he asked.Mine is Christina my mom gave it to me,but she's gone now."Christina is a really nice name I'm sorry to hear that though,"Daryl said.Well can I be of any assistance right now?"You can help Carol with the laundry,or you can help Maggie clear the area around the camp,"Rick answered back to me."Hey Christina,"Daryl exclaimed"You can sleep in my bed tonight while I keep watch."Thank you Daryl,by the way I'm going to go help Carol with the laundry.
     Hey are you carol,because Rick said I could help you with the laundry."Yeah I'm Carol.There are some clothes in that cardboard box over there,also what's your name?"I'm Christina,and who's baby is that?"That's Ricks baby Her name is Judith,"Carol said.Oh that's a pretty name who is the mother?"She passed during the
C-Section her name was Lori she was a really nice woman,"Carol said with sadness in her voice.
     (Daryl's POV)It's almost night time so I think you guys should start getting to bed."Ok,"Christina said"Will you've going to sleep with me or no Daryl?"I'll be going to bed soon don't worry Christina.Trust me I need sleep too I'm a human being.
              1 hour later that night
     Well I was tired that night so I went and I layed down next to Christina.Then it started to get cold so we cuddled for a bit.Then out of the blue Christina said"I love you so much for stoping me because you saved my life."No problem because from the moment I layed eyes on you I knew I had to meet you no matter what I had to do.
     (Ricks POV)Well I guess it's my turm for me to go and keep look out.I hope Daryl isn't wrong about this girl or we will either have to send her out or kill her.Oh maybe she can meet Michone tomorrow when she gets back from her run
           THE END OF CHAPTER 2

     Well I hope you guys liked the first two chapters!!!!Also srry if they r kinda short it's really time consuming.k nest chapter will be out tomorrow.✌️

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