Under the Pale, Grey Sky

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My heart was pounding; I was trembling. It was cold out. Everytime time I exhaled, the steam from my breath could be seen. Snow was falling all around. It was covering the roads with a white blanket. Beneath the bridge I stood, awaiting her arrival. She meant a lot to me. To be honest, she was the only thing that kept me going. Behind me I could hear the snow crunch. It began to grow louder, as if someone was approaching. I turned around to see who, or what, was approaching me. 

There she stood, looking up at me with her hazel eyes, letting the wind play with her shoulder length, brown hair. She had a small smirk on her face, but I could tell something was off. For the past two years, she and I have been going out. I was ready to move this relationship forward. Three days ago, I went out and bought a ring; a ring that was pure gold, encrusted in diamonds. I forked over a good amount for this ring, but it's not the price that counts, it's the thought. 

"I got your message," she said. "I came as quickly as possible. What's up?"

"Yeah, sorry." I chuckled then averted my eyes away from her.

She looked at me with an uneven face. It was obvious she was confused. I knew what she was going to say. She was about to ask-

"What are you sorry about? I didn't mind coming here." 

I knew it. I knew she would say that. The smile on her face, combined with the snow falling around us, made my heart melt. The feeling that she gave me was unexplainable. That's love, isn't it? It's something that can't be explained. Everyone has a different way to describe what love feels like, but in the end, everyone experiences the same feeling. 

"I didn't realize it would snow." I looked into her eyes, "I don't want you to get sick." I quickly averted my eyes away from her. 

She gave me a warm smile. Once again, my heart melted. She grabbed my hands and pulled me a little bit closer to her. I knew what she wanted. She wanted to embrace, and probably kiss, but I couldn't let her do it right away. It had to wait until I showed her the ring. That kiss had to come after because it had to be special.

I let go of her hands. "Hold on just a sec, ok?"

"What's the matter?" she asked as she stared at me with those beautiful, hazel eyes.

"Look, you and I have been together for a long time, and I just... I think maybe..."

She gave me a look of defeat. I knew what she was thinking. She thought I was leaving her. I couldn't bare to see her this way. I had to do it. The question had to be asked. 

I took a few steps back, distancing myself just enough so I can do this. My heart was pounding. The air was thin. I was breathing harder. The steam from my breath began to appear more frequently. This feeling was scary. Rejection wasn't something I had in store, but surely she wouldn't reject me, right? No, no she wouldn't. She loves me, and I love her. 

Kneeling down on my knees, her eyes widened. She knew what was about to happen, but I think she was in disbelief about it. I looked up at her, and she looked down at me.

...And so I went for it.

"Kaylee, we've been together forever. You make me the happiest person alive. I feel invincible when I'm with you. You make me feel like I can do anything and everything. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I took a deep breath, preparing for the big question.

"Marry me?" I asked with a nervous grin.

Her eyes lit up. Tears began to run down the sides of her cheeks. 

"Please don't cr-"

Suddenly, I was knocked to the ground. She layed on top of me with her arms wrapped tightly around my chest. She sat up, and gave me a smile brighter than the snow itself. 

"I do," she said smiling wryly. " I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you."

A huge smile appeared on my face. She passionately touched her lips against mine, and we embraced under the pale, grey sky. The snow continued to fall. Everything around us moved so slow. It's as if time itself stopped. You only get one moment in life that's like this, so you should definitely take advantage of it. She and I did, and will always, continue to cherish each other's love. 

And in unison, we both said "I love you."


 The wedding bells rang loudly. People stood as the piano began to play. In that angelic, white dress came Kaylee. She locked arms with her father as he lead her down the aisle. She was beautiful. She was always beautiful. I've never thought otherwise. My heart was beating fast. I had to take long, deep breathes in order to keep myself from being nervous. It didn't work.

There wasn't a single soul in that room that wasn't happy. Everyone was gracing us with their smiles. The room was full of positive energy. She finally made her way beside me. As soon as we locked eyes, the crowd faded away and the jittery feeling was gone. 

"Do... tke... ife..." 

Someone was muttering something.

"Do you... take... wife..."

I quickly faded back into reality. The preacher stared intently at me. I looked around the chapel and noticed everyone else was too. Wait, did he ask me the question already? Oh no! I looked over at Kaylee. 

"Yes, I do take her to be my wife."

The crowd slouched back into their seats. The heavy atmosphere caused by my delayed answer was soon gone. Kaylee's eyes were filling with tears. She was ready to cry. I guess she was expecting the worst. She's such a fragile girl. A grin grew across my face. Kaylee shortly noticed it, and began wiping the tears from her eyes.

She was really soft-hearted. The smallest things would make Kaylee sad. Three months ago we found a stray kitten. She insisted on keeping him. She wouldn't give up. Her eyes were swollen with tears as she continued to pester me about it. Even though I knew we didn't have room for a house pet, I caved in and we took it home. A few weeks later, the heat in the apartment went out and the cat went missing. After a few days, I finally found the little guy beside the broken heater I put away in the closet. I told Kaylee it ran out the door after me and I never found it. Just that alone broke her heart. I couldn't tell her that it died trying to get warm. I gave the little guy a proper funeral when she went out to the store later on that day.

Before you knew it, the ceremony was over. Everyone was leaving, and we were finally married. I honestly didn't feel any different, but at that moment it hit me. My life has forever changed. She and I were officially engaged. She was my wife, and I was her husband. I guess that was really the only change though. We already do everything together. What's changed? What's changed...? 

I looked at Kaylee. "What's going to change now that we're engaged?" I said with a serious, confused tone.

Kaylee sharply stared at me as if she was searching for an answer herself. Her eyes turned towards the ground, and she started to wiggle her feet. 

She turned towards me and giggled. "The only thing that's changed... Is that our hearts have become one." 

My heart skipped a beat. How did I miss it? Before the marriage, before we met, before everything- I was incomplete. I didn't have my other half because it wasn't with me, but now it is. Now that other half is standing right beside me. We're no longer a half anymore. We've finally become a whole. 

I grabbed her hand. "We've finally become one whole. If anything happens to you, then it happens to me too." 

Her eyes glistened. She stood on her tippy toes and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. At that moment, nothing mattered anymore. It was the happiest day of our life. It was our day, and nothing could ruin that. The room was silent. Most people had already left, but we decided to stay behind. The orange glow from the sunset drained through the windows. We stood there holding hands for the longest time letting the sun warm our bodies.


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