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Lincoln's POV
I woke up with Octavia on the floor with me.
"The fuck" I whispered.
She sat up really fast heavy breathing.
"Lincoln what am I doing on the floor".
"You tell me"
"I fall off my bed sometimes okay" she moaned now standing up.
"Whatever get dressed" I said.
"Why, today's my lazy day" she moaned again.
"I know but I keep on having to kick you out of training because your not a good example for the Warriors" I said.
"Oh yeah why are you nice to me outside of training but inside your a dick" she questioned.
"Because I can't let anyone know that I like you" I babbled.
Her eyes widened. SHIT!! She was not supposed to know that I like her.
"You like, like me" she said.
"No just like you" I tried to save it.
"So you are supposed to hate me" she said.
"Nooo can we just go training" I said.
"Okay" she agreed.

We where deep in the training grounds when we saw a sky person.
"Bellamy" she whispered running to him.
"Grounders" he shouted.
Suddenly 4 sky people came running out of the bushes well armed.
She threw her knives at 3 and stabbed the other in the chest.
I ran to her pushing her behind me.
"Lincoln no" she said trying to defend her brother.
"Octavia" the man said.
"We have been looking everywhere for you, come on home, O" he said
Octavia had tears in her eyes.
When suddenly a sky person came up behind him.
"Working with the grounders Bellamy, finally I have a reason to kill you."
The man stabbed his sword through his stomach.
"Noooooooooooo" Octavia screamed.
I killed the guy and turned to see Octavia.She was sitting there forced to watch her brother die in her arms.

Octavia's POV
My brother is dead. His people killed him. The sky people will pay. I know it was Murphy that killed him. But he is sky people so they will all pay. I will kill without blinking a eye. The sky people will pay.
"Come on let's leave" I said to Lincoln getting up and walking back to camp.
"Your just going to leave your brother here" he said.
"Yes, let it be a warning to the others" I said with a straight face.
He looked shocked but I need him to think of me as one of them so I can be in the warrior army.
We got back to camp and Niko came up to me.
"Octavia Anya want to speak with you"
I started walking to her tent when a guard stopped me at the entrance.
"Your weapons" he said holding out his hand.
"Wow I am a grounder and you still don't trust me" I said handing him my axe and knives.
Then I walked inside to Anya greeting me.
"Hey Octavia"
"Hi, you wanted to see me"
"Yes, you have proved yourself worthy of being my valkyrie"
"Valkyrie" I asked.
"Yes it is basically a girl version of a spy" she explained.
"So what will happen to me" I asked.
"You will be living in the woods and you will get a black leather jumpsuit black combat boots and a black cowl. you will also have new weapons like shurikans and kitana blades, but you will be leaving here for a very long time".
"Okay" I said. I was exited and sad at the same time.
I walked into what used to be mine and Lincolns tent but now is just Lincolns.
"Um.. Lincoln"
"Yeah" he said.
"I will be leaving tomorrow and I won't be back for a very long time"
"What" he said
"I am leaving" I said. I could see the hurt in his eyes.
"Why" he said
"Because Anya wants me to train to become a Valkyrie"
"A Valkyrie" he said.
"Yeah" I said showing off.
"I'm gonna miss not having you here" he said.
I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing. I am gonna miss Lincoln to though.
We stared in to each others eyes before he leaned in and kissed me.
His lips felt so good on mine, I retired the kiss.
It started to get quite heated so I pulled away.
"Lincoln we shouldn't do this"
"Because this is not us" I said.
He nodded and got on the floor to sleep.

Grounder Pounder (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now