Chapter 18

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It had now been 12 months since the train accident, me and Simon decided to take a break on our relationship. We were constantly arguing and it wasn't healthy for any of us, I missed hanging out with him and the others but sometimes things happen for the wrong reasons.

Will was soon to start Bristol uni meaning he would be leaving soon, I was just about to start sixth form which I was quite excited about. My friends weren't staying on at our school they were going to the local technical college. For my A levels I'd chosen Triple science, English Literature and double maths I didn't have a clue what I wanted to become.

"Will you be coming to my leaving party?" Will asked as he dried up the crockery from dinner.
"Um I'll have a think I might come for an hour and get dad to come and pick me up" I said with a smile. Lately I've been pretty isolated and social situations weren't my most favourite past time. Will and I had now moved in with dad because mum moved to New York 5 months ago, you may think I was silly not to go with her but I wanted to stay.

"That's okay! You know Simon has a new girlfriend now? I think this is extremely disrespectful to you" Will retorted at the thought of it.
"I don't mind I've moved on, it's nice to see that he has too" I sighed, the truth was I hadn't moved on at all I still loved him. I had seen him and his girlfriend while in town one Saturday but I'm not a bitter person so I didn't acknowledge the fact.
"Hadn't you better be going? You'll be late for your date!" I beamed as I saw what the time was. Will had been seeing a girl named Rose for 3 months now she was a really lovely girl and made him so happy.
"Is that the time already" Will chirped as he looked at the clock on the kitchen wall.
"Have an amazing time, send my love to Rose won't you" I said with a smile, I straightened his tie as it appeared that he'd rushed when putting it on.
"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow" he quickly hugged me as he walked towards the hall.
"Bye will" I said with a smile.

The next morning dad asked me to go out to Tesco to get some groceries in, I didn't object as fresh air was something I needed. I plugged my earphones into my iPhone and made my way out the house. As I picked up all of the items I needed I made my way to the 10 items or less counter I was happy to see that there wasn't much of a queue.
"Good morning" the cashier chirped as I moved ever so closer to the checkout.
"Hi" I said politely with a smile, my heart sunk as I looked up and discovered who it was.
"How have you been?" Simon asked as he scanned my shopping.
"Not too bad thank you. How about you?" I said not wanting to sound rude by blowing him off. I wanted to run away but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea.
"Great thanks! I'm off to Warwick uni in September" Simon added.
"Aw good luck with that" was all I could say. It was probably a good thing that he was leaving but I knew I would miss him even more with him being out of town.

"You should come to mine and Will's joint leaving party, it'll be nice to see you again before I leave" he said with a smile.
"I'm coming for a while, aren't you too loved up with your new girlfriend to care about wanting to see me again" I proclaimed feeling a pang of sadness in my stomach and seeing a look of utter shock on Simon's face.
"How do you know about me and Hannah?" Simon enquired.
"I've seen you together plus my brother has mentioned it previously" I announced.
"I still care about you Tilly!" He added with a warm look on his face.
"Look I've got to go my dad will be wondering where I am" I said as I quickly threw enough money to cover the bill onto the counter and picked up my shopping. I heard Simon call me back again but I wasn't prepared to listen to anything more from him. As I walked home tears rushed from eyes, when I got in my dad had gone out to work so I was home alone. I checked my phone for messages and was shocked see that I had 1 new message.

1 new message from: Andrew
Hi Tilly I was checking that you were okay I saw you in town earlier you looked upset x

I smiled slightly as I read the message, me and Andrew made up soon after the train accident we saw each other quite a bit and were good friends again. I quickly pressed reply and began to type.

To: Andrew
Hey I'm okay thanks I've just had a bad morning that's all, are you okay?x

While I waited for another reply I heard the front door knock, I sighed with annoyance and made my way into the hallway
"Who is it?" I called.
"It's Hillingdon police, may you let us in please" I hear a male voice say.
I quickly opened the door, my heart was in my mouth as I invited the two officers inside.
"Is there anyone else home this morning" an officer asked.
"No my brother is out and my dad has gone to work" I added, I was unsure of what was going to come next.

Hi guys I'm so sorry for not updating for ages, I now plan on updating at least once per week or maybe more, I hope you're all well x

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