Chapter 2

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I reluctantly got myself ready for the sixth form party, I was quite nervous as all the kids at the party would be a lot older than me. Will was ready hours ago he's always very organised. I met mum and Will in the hallway. " You are going to have a lovely time sweetie and you will make some lovely friends tonight" mum beamed in my direction. " I should really be mixing with people my own age" I informed. " She's right mum" Will nodded in agreement. " Once wont hurt, I'm sure you'll be just fine" mum really seemed happy about the idea of this. It wasn't guaranteed if I would get in or not.

Mum dropped us off at the end of the road. Will and I walked the short walk to the pub which we had been told to meet the others at. When we arrived, Neil,Jay and Simon were already there waiting. " alright briefcase" Jay called as we approached the small group. " please call me Will" Will politely asked "alright posho" Jay said with a slight laugh. Will looked at me and I shook my head. 'posho' was a thing that we would often get called. After we said our hello's we made our way inside the pub. It was full....

Thankfully there was no doormen manning the door asking for I D which was helpful. Meaning I had officially got into the sixth form party. Most girls my age would love to be in my position but I really aren't the party animal. " I'm going to go get a table" I said while scanning the place for somewhere to sit. " Okay, be careful" Will said " I'm not a baby Will" I sighed as I walked off to find a table. I shuffled past the many dancing bodies. I tried my hardest to dodge any of the people who were just standing around drinking. I eventually found somewhere to sit.

" You see those two girls over there, well I've had a piece of them" Jay announced proudly aiming it at Simon " Yeah right, You've apparently had sex with the whole of year 13 isn't that right Jay?" Simon answered causing Neil to laugh hysterically." Yep, I've had enough clunge to last me a life time" Jay rubbed his hands together. At this point I was feeling incredibly nauseous, my presence didn't stop his crudeness. " So Tilly how was your first day" Simon asked. " It was reasonable thanks" I answered politely. For some reason I couldn't make eye contact with him. " Has something gone on between you two as you can barely look at one another" Will had a confused look on his face. " Are you going to tell him or shall I" Simon asked me. He made it seem so much worse than what it was. " Well come on then" Will shouted. " I had an accident this morning, Simon accidentally knocked into me this morning, I'm fine honestly so there's no need to worry, I didn't know who he was until earlier on" I said while looking at the ground. The last thing I wanted was to cause a scene...

Will had a relieved look on his face " Bloody hell, is that all .I thought something drastic had happened, You do certainly worry me sometimes Tilly" He was so embarrassing sometimes."Sorry Dad" I cheekily said. "He ain't your dad is he" Neil asked puzzled. " No, I was using sarcasm" I told him. "ah okay then" He said and went back to drinking his pint. It baffled me how everyone had got served. Everyone was drinking some form of alcohol accept for me and Will. " I fancy a beer" Will announced probably. " Go on then specy" Jay laughed. Will and I looked at him in horror. Tears fell from my eyes. 'Specy' was a word that insulted me very much, years ago bullies used to call me it and those memories came flooding back. The whole room went silent as my cries got louder. Great just what I needed...

People began to laugh at me. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" Jay blurted out in hope that he could stop my tears. " You cock" Simon said to Jay "bad move there mate" Neil added. "You really should watch what you say" Will retorted as he tried his best to comfort me. Will decided that we should call mum to come and pick me up. We hadn't been there an hour and already I was causing embarrassment. Will didn't need that. "Mum will be here soon, we'll take you outside and wait with you till she comes" Will softly said. I nodded not wanting to say anything. As we walked out of the pub people jibed ' Briefcase wanker' 'cry baby' ' spec siblings' ' four eyes' how could people be so horrible when they had hardly known us.

As we walked past the bar Will thought he would make an announcement. Simon, Jay,Neil and I looked at each other with shock. What on earth was my brother going to do? " Excuse me all you 16-17 year old young people, who are quite blatantly drinking underage, I suggest you stop your laughter and focus on your own problems" he shouted causing everyone to gasp as the barman looked angry " everyone out now" the barman shouted. " You'd better run as they'll kill you if they get hold of you" Simon whispered trying to be helpful. By now my tears had stopped, I was just quite shocked.I made a run for the front door not caring who was behind me. After the night I had I just wanted my mum...

Most of the kids had gone but the school bully was lingering around, hoping to come into contact with my brother. My heart sank when mum's car was nowhere in sight. The school bully who I found out was called Donavan approached me. " so your the little baby who ruined our night" he spat. I shock my head quickly" leave me alone" I shakily said. Just as I was about to scream Will came running over " Oi mate, leave her alone, hit me if you want but please don't lay a finger on her" he asked as calmly as possible. " who says I was gunna hit anybody" Donavan smirked. Before anything else could be said mums car pulled up.

" wow is that your mum" Donavan asked as our Mum wound down the window to the car. " I'm not saying a word" Will said. I ran over to the passenger side of the car and sat in I hugged mum tightly. " its okay sweetie its over now" she reassured. Will said his goodbyes to his friends and got in the back seat." I see you've made another friend then Will" Mum asked smiling while beginning to drive off. "He isn't my friend mum, he is the school physco who has just terrorised the hell out of my sister" Will said very loudly. " Oh petal don't be silly I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding" She said making sure the both of us heard.

When we got home I went straight up to bed, I had Simon on my mind quite a bit. I couldn't figure out why, it was something about him that I couldn't put into words.I wanted to get the nights events out of my head so I could fall asleep, I did so but instead thinking of Simon...

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