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......I cleaned up the noodles "Go on"

Allan: about 4 months ago

In the lunch room

I don't think I've ever told any one besides Penney how much I HATE lunch. I don't mind eating the meal- it's dishing it out. I got into some trouble a few weeks ago because I talked back to my teacher via saxophone. Hey, he honked at me and I honked right back.... using my mouth piece of course. Believe it or not, it is very difficult to bring an assembled sax to any other class besides band.

Any way, my punishment? Cafeteria duty- for the rest of the quarter. Granted the quarter is done in 2 weeks, but I've been here long enough.

They started me out on making the actual food, I liked that part- little to no human interaction. But then the very next week I had to serve the stuff. So that's where I was, just standing there plopping the mashed potatoes Martha made earlier that day onto some kid's plate when the line stopped.

"Allan? Why are you serving lunch?"

Some people usually know why I work here and some don't, so it wasn't anything new to be called on it.
To be polite I made eye contact with the person. No, not person- incredibly deep cognate brown eyes.


"What?" Parker said.

"Oh. You asked why....sorry," I looked back down to my hands, fighting down an embarrassed blush. I fricking screwed that up, "Um, just community service." I tell him. "Do you want the potatoes?"

"Oh! Yeah sure, I love mashed potatoes."

"Yeah, Martha makes them the best. Enjoy," I scooped him some.


"That's Martha now actually, so yeah...." I looked to Parker trying to low-key tell him to skedaddle.

"HI MARTHA!!" He yelled to the back. Surprisingly enough he actually went through the kitchen door -freeing the flow of the line- and into the kitchen.

I would have stopped him but HUNGRY teenagers don't really like to be kept waiting.
I got about 3 more people their food before a scream of pure delight resounded from the back.

"PARKER!!" I stop my duties and leave the other worker to do it. I'm checking this thing out.

Parker and Martha come out of the back room laughing and hugging and wow- never seen Martha this happy before.

"You didn't tell me you were moving to this town!" Martha practically squealed into Parker's ear. "Hey! Allan, have you met Parker?"

"Yes Martha"

"Then get back to work" she laughed. I know she didn't mean it that way so I shrugged it off and relieved the other guy.

"So I hear Allan here is doing community service?" Parker asked Martha. I try to focus on the next plate.

"Commu- WHAT? He told you THAT? Community service, hah! That boy got his scrawny butt in trouble with a teacher," Martha swung her finger around then pointed at me, "And the Principal,"

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