~Chapter Nine~

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You just arrived at the monastery and Zane opened the door for you this time. "Hi Zane!" You greet him as you enter the building. "Greetings Chloe, I assume you are here for Cole?" Zane says as he closes the door. "Yup! How are you today?" "I am at the finest thank you. Just doing everyone's laundry." He says as he begins to walk away but you follow him, beginning to get an idea.

"Must be a tough job for you. Say! If your done with Cole's Gi I'll give it to him on my way up." You tell him as you two enter the laundry room. Zane smiles at you and gives you Cole's Gi. "That would be helpful. Thank you Chloe." He says to you. "No problem!" You say then leave the room and head straight for the bathroom.

You put on Cole's Gi and look at yourself in the mirror. "I'm Cole buckets! Master of earth! I have big eyebrows and I love getting fat!" You imitate then laugh. You then come up with another great idea. You put the ninja mask on then leave the bathroom. You head to the kitchen where you see Lloyd.

"Hey Cole! Here for some cake aren't you." He says to you. You watch as Lloyd makes a sandwich then turns around. You grab the sandwich while he's not looking and eat it. Lloyd turns around and sees that his sandwich is gone. "Uh, Cole have you seen my sandwich?" He asks. You shrug. "Well, guess I'll make another one." Lloyd says as he makes another one.

Lloyd turns around again and you take the sandwich again. Lloyd turns back around to find that his sandwich is missing again. "Alright. Cole, are you eating my sandwiches?!" Lloyd says and you do a little dance to tease him then run away. You go to the living room and see Kai and Jay playing a video game.

You wave to them and sit on the couch. "Hey Cole!" They both say. "Wanna play Fist to Face 3 with us?!" Jay asks you as he hands you a controller. You nod and take the controller and set your character up. The first 15 minutes of the game you were in the lead! And at the end when you won you destroyed Kai and Jay's characters making them glare at you.

You swaggily drop the controller and walk out of the room like a boss. You really enjoyed trolling the ninja it was a lot of fun. You heard music coming from upstairs and you followed it. You took the ninja mask off and saw that it was coming from Cole's room. You peaked through the door window and chuckled as you saw him dance.
A/N: you can play the song now! :D

When he wasn't looking you snuck into his room and hid in his closet to get a better look. "I'm not saying, I'm not sorry. Just lookin' for another you. It's not getting any better (better) But we can't outdo when there's something out that we keep holdin' up to the best days." Cole sings along to the song.

"I'm not saying, I'm not sorry. Just lookin' for another you..." Then the bass drops and you chuckle as Cole dances along to the music. You start to dance along to the music too it was really catchy. You had no idea Cole listened to dubstep! "I don't know any other way to show it's not getting any better. I think we both know there's something out that we keep holdin' up to the best days. I'm not saying I'm not sorry." He sings then you jump out of the closet and finish his line.

"Just looking for another you!!" You sing along then dance around as the bass drops. "CHLOE!!" Cole yells as you startled him. You laugh and continue dancing to the music. Cole stops the music then glares at you.

You stop dancing and gulp. "Oh no." You say. You try to run out of the room but Cole is faster then you. He pinned you up against the wall having a tight grip on your wrists. You knew Cole was strong so you had no way of getting out of his grip. "Why are you wearing my Gi?!" He asks you and you nervously laugh then blush.

Cole rolls his eyes then smirks as he moves his face closer to yours. Your heart is pounding like crazy wondering what he's going to do to you. Cole always had surprises up his sleeve for you and you weren't sure if you were ready for this one.

"So...you like dubstep." You say nervously. Cole is still smirking, "I'm going to have to do something about you...can't have you sneaking in my room like that you know." He says to you. "W-well you did though I-i make a fine ninja." You say. Cole stares at your lips then at your neck.

"You've been a bad girl..." Cole whispers in your ear and your heart continues to race fast. Cole then begins to leave a trail of kisses down your neck. Your melting and lift your head up a bit more so Cole could have more room. Cole reaches your sweet spot and you being to moan.

Cole chuckles as he kisses your neck. "G-gosh C-Cole...Y-your S-so-" "Sexy?" Cole guesses and you nod your head. Cole smirks at you then nibbles on your sweet spot. You moan some more wondering if Cole was some kind of vampire ninja or something like that.

"C-Cole, A-are you L-leaving M-me a H-hickey?" You ask him and Cole just chuckles. "M-my P-parents...W-will K-kill me." Cole let go of your neck then smirked at you. "Guess I'm just a bad little ninja aren't I?" He asks you then leaves kisses up your jaw.

You moaned even more then Cole crashed his lips into yours. His kiss was soft yet teasing. He tugged on your bottom lip teasing you even more. You never knew Cole had all of this in him! You loved every minute of it. You were beginning to want more. You opened your mouth a little wider giving Cole more access.

He slipped his tongue in your mouth, allows him to explore. You moaned even more, just letting Cole be in control. He pushed you against the wall even further, you probably were so close that you could hurt your back. "G-gosh I-i L-love Y-you..." You said in between kisses.

Cole smirked in the kiss and let go of your wrists. Your arms went around his neck and your fingers ran through his hair. Cole's hands went down to your waist. Just then there was a knock on the door. "Cole! Mail came!" Jay says from the other side of the door. Cole stops kissing you then you fall on the floor. Cole chuckles then puts his finger against your lips.

"Shhh." He tells you then he opens the door slightly, allowing his head to poke out. "Thanks Jay!" He says as he receives his package and letter. "Ya know I'm surprised you and Chloe aren't hanging out today! I mean you two always-" Jay starts but Cole cuts him off as he slams the door shut.

You laugh and stand up. "Mouth of lightning.." Cole says as he rolls his eyes. Cole throws the Mail on his bed then pins you up against the walls again. "Now where were we?" He asks you with a smirk. You break from his grasp and back away from the wall. "I have to go now Mr. Bad Ninja." You tell him as you reach for the door knob.

"Aww but I was having fun punishing you!" You chuckle then give Cole a kiss. "Guess I'll just keep being naughty." You say with a wink then leave his room. You quickly go to the bathroom and check how big the bite Cole gave you was.

You sighed when you saw it wasn't that big. You then remembered that you were in Cole's Gi so you took that off leaving the clothes you had on, on. You folded Cole's clothing and left it outside his door. You then went down the steps and went home. When you got home your mom greeted you.

"Dinner's ready! Hey, you've got a little something on your neck." She says and you dreamily sigh. "Oh it's nothing. Just a bug bite. From a very bad bug." You tell your mom then go upstairs to your room. You collapse on your bed and dreamily sigh again. Cole buckets was something else.

A/N: AHHHHHHHHH OMG OMG WTF DID I JUST WRITE!?! THE FEELS MAN I CRY 😭😭😭 haha I told you guys this chapter would ruin you! Song is called Another You by Armin Van Buuren and its my EDM jam at the moment lol :) idea for Chloe wearing Cole's Gi was a suggestion by Chloe herself lol XD Vote if you want more Chloe and Cole! Comment if I need to call an ambulance for you guys?! XD XD

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