~Chapter Ten~

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You were stuck practicing a dance for your Spanish class after school. You were alone in the dance room pacing back and forth waiting for your partner and teacher. You were failing Spanish sadly so your teacher decided that she could help you bring it back up with this special project. While pacing your phone buzzed and you got a text from Cole.

EarthBoi: Hey! Chlo! Wanna hang out today?! :)
You smile and text him back
Me: Can't, bringing Spanish grade up.
EarthBoi: Oh. Your at Marty RN?
Me: Yeah :( stupid partner is late.
EarthBoi: Your partner better be a girl >:(
Me: Is my boyfriend getting over protective!? :O ;)
EarthBoi: I just wanna make sure your not in the wrong hands!
Me: Lol ur too cute :3
EarthBoi: I try xD
Just then your Spanish teacher walks in, you quickly text Cole.
Me: Gotta go. Teach is here and still no partner. :/

You put your phone in your dance bag and greet your teacher. "Hola Chloe! Bad news señorita. Ricky has the flu and cannot dance with you in the showcase this weekend." Señora Maria says with a frown. You almost faint, if he didn't show up how would you ever get your grade!?

"Señora Maria! If Ricky doesn't come then who am I gonna dance with in the showcase?! What about my grade!?" You say with panic. "Cálmate! Chloe! Your grade will not go down I will make sure of that. I'm looking for a replacement for you." Señora Maria says.

You sigh, but just when all hope was lost. "I'll dance with her!" You heard a familiar voice. You and your teacher turn and look towards the doors and saw Cole, wearing a muscle tee, baggy pants and sneakers. "Cole?!" You ask surprised and give him a hug. "Señor Cole?! I haven't seen you since you were-" Señora Maria starts but Cole finishes "Siete? Si señora. Chloe texted me and she needed a partner. So I was hoping I could dance with her."

You smile and look at your teacher. Your teacher looks at Cole then looks at you. "Well, since there is no one else for Chloe to dance with then I guess you can be her partner." She says. You cheer and hug Cole. "Esperar! Wait! Cole will be the suplente now, understudy. That means if all of a sudden Ricky is better and can make it before the showcase then you will dance with Ricky. But if Ricky doesn't not make it before the showcase then Cole will be your partner." She explains.

"Si señora. Gracias." You tell her and she smiles at you. "I'll be right back I forgot the MP3 player. Chloe, why not you tell Chloe what your project is about." She says then leaves the room. "Yeah, what is it about anyways?" He asks, getting interested. You smile, "It's a little hard to explain. So it's about a Girl who has a boyfriend, but she loves another boy. The boy she loves is telling her to tell her boyfriend the truth, That she's in love with another. So they can be together! But, Girl is deciding whether or not to tell the guy. At the end of story, she tells the truth to her boyfriend and breaks up with him. Allowing her to be with the boy she truly loves. My project is to explain the story in dance." You explain.

"Ohh okay. I get the plot. So, lemme guess, it's salsa isn't it?" "Yup." "Alright alright. I'll see what I can do." "Thanks so much Cole! You just don't know how much this will help my grade! If I fail this project some how then I can't graduate! I know I'm sounding like a total nerd right now but I need this." You tell him.

Cole smiles at you, "No problem! I'd do anything with you and for you." He says. You smile and hug him. You two let go when you heard footsteps enter the room. "I'm back! Okay, so I assume you told señor Cole about the project?" Your teacher says while putting the MP3 player in its speaker hold. "Si Señora." You say.

"Bueno! Bueno! Okay, so the song is a little fast but I know you two can do it! Señor Greg should be here soon and together we will show you two how to do this dance." She explains. Just then Mr Greg, your jazz dance teacher walks in with a huge smile on his face.

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