~Chapter Nineteen~

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You collapsed on your bed as you just got back from another....beating. You cried in your pillow, you wondered when all of this pain was going to end. Not just physically but also emotionally. Your phone buzzed as you got another call and text message from Cole. After what he did to you there was no way he could fix this. You heard the door downstairs slam shut and a car leave the driveway. Your dad just left. You were alone in the house now. Your mom left to go somewhere last night and yet she still hasn't come back.

Just then you heard the doorbell ring. Cookie barked at the door and you wiped your tears and checked the door. You checked the little peephole to see who it was and it was Cole! Whenever your parents left Cole would try to come over and talk to you in person. You didn't open the door for you were too hurt.

You cried and went back upstairs. Cookie followed you and nuzzled your shoulder making you hug him. "T-thank you." You told him. Just then you heard a roar outside your house and knew that Cole just summoned his dragon.

You went to your window and closed it and shut the curtains in case Cole would try to check to see if you were in your room. You heard flapping by your window and dragon noises. You stayed quiet. "Chloe?! You home?? I need to talk to you!" You heard Cole say from outside your window. He got quiet for a minute then sighed. You heard the dragon noises go down as you realized Cole was gone.

You peaked through the curtains and didn't see him. You opened it back up then laid down on your bed. Today you were supposed to go to school but you called in sick. Sick of feeling, more likely. Meanwhile back at the monastery, Cole arrived and went back up to his room. 'I never want to see you again....Goodbye Cole Buckets.' Your words kept repeating in his head. He guessed you took it seriously after he saw that you wouldn't answer the door or his calls or texts. He tried everything to get to you but you ignored all his attempts.

Cole then realized he was in ghost form again. He sighed and tried to change back but he couldn't. "Looks like I'm stuck as a ghost again..." He says to himself. He didn't want to give up on you but apparently he did. Cole wanted to cry but his tears would kill him so he kept all the pain inside. Everyone tried getting Cole out of his room but no one managed to. He knew it wasn't his brothers fault but they still felt terrible.

He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out your charm bracelet. He meant every meaning to the charm bracelet. He knew he didn't lie about that. What he was trying to figure out though, was what he did lie about. He went way back in thought then remembered the day he first went horse riding. You two sat under a tree for shade and he asked you about your maroon streak! "For starters the color is maroon, and I don't know I thought It'd look pretty cool." You admit. "It is cool! Ya know it reminds me of one of my friends. Although her hair was dark pink and she had a blue streak. But yours is pretty natural."

"Who's this 'Friend' of yours?" You ask Cole using your finger to quote friend. Cole gasps, "Is my girlfriend getting over protective?" You smirk," I just wanna make sure that's all." "Relax. She's on the other side of Ninjago, and we're just friends. And as you know, if there's any girl I'd like it's you." He says with a reassuring smile.

"Alright, if you say so. But if she comes back and puts her hands on you I swear I'll turn into a raptor and scratch her face off!" You threaten and Cole chuckles, "Like that's ever gonna happen." Cole then gives you a soft kiss and let's go. "I love you, okay. You and only you." You smile and put your hand on his cheek. "I love you too." You then sit up and give Cole another kiss.

Cole smiled at the flashback but then frowned. "I-i did lie..." He whispers. Cole looked at the charm bracelet one last time before putting it back in his jacket pocket. Just then there was a knock on his door. "Go away..." He says but it opens revealing Zane. Zane smiles at him and closes the door behind him. "Has Chloe forgiven you yet?" He asked. "If she did would I look like this?!" Cole says sitting up and pointing to his ghost body.

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