Chapter 3

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Liam and Colton pull into the drive way and I see them start to make there way to my house door. I see my mom rush to open it and I send her a death glare but she just winks at me. When she opens the door Liam checks her out...of course.
"hey I'm looking for Andrea and Bella, you must be Bella's sister?" my mom laughs, she's use to getting these compliments "that's for the compliment buddy but I'm Bella's mom" Liam and Coltons jaw drops. " silly boys" my mom says.
I think it's time we end this awkward conversation, Andrea and I are just at the top of the stairs watching them. As we walk down the stairs Colton looks over to me and looks mind blown. He can't keep his eyes off of me. I'm not use to this attention. Liam is doing the same thing to Andrea and she is blushing but still looks as confident as ever. 
My mom ruins the magical moment all four of us were having "now don't be home too late sweetie and don't do anything stupid" she kisses my forehead and then we are off. 

The car ride was so fun because we were blasting music and singing our hearts out. I didn't realize that switching schools would be so awesome and that I would actually make good friends. I'm usually the loser girl no one talks too but now I'm going to a party. My first party, of course I won't tell anyone that amuse that's embarrassing. 

Andrea and Liam are in the front of the car, Liam is driving and Andrea is in the passenger seat. Colton and i are in the back of the car. I notice throughout the drive while Andrea is singing her heart out and just being silly Liam keeps glancing at her from the ornery of his eyes. His blue eyes look at her like she is the most precious thing in the world. Andrea doesn't even notice that he obviously likes her. 

When we finally reach the house where the party is taking place and i start to get really nervous. I think maybe this was a bad idea so i look around at everyone else to see maybe there thinking the same thing but nope. Liam is shaking with excitement, Colton is smiling like a idiot and Andrea is already strutting her confident little ass over to the house. Silly girl. Liam runs to catch up with her so that leaves me and colton. 

"Bella your shaking are you okay?" Colton asks me. 

"ya im fine just a little nervous" 

"don't be nervous, just let loose have some fun" he pats me on the back and then before i know it were entering the house. It smells awful in here and the music is so loud. Theres sweaty couples grinding on each other everywhere i look. God i need a drink so i can forget this night. I turn to see if colton wants a drink but i see he's disappeared. Great..... now I'm alone. Better go find where the drinks are. 

After a few minutes of searching i finally find the alcohol. I pour my self some vodka and then chug it back. It burns down my throat. I pour myself another, and then another. "Oh God" i say to myself feeling myself becoming a little tipsy. i pour my self another but this time instead of chugging it i just keep it with me while i explore the house. 

As I'm looking around trying to find at least one familiar face i bump into someone. "fuck" i mumble as i see that i spilt my drink on them. I start rubbing my hands up and down the shirt to try and get as much out as i can. "I'm so sorry, i did not see you there, i can pay for dry clean---" I'm cut off from a low chuckle and look up and I'm looking into none other than James eyes. I stop rubbing  my hands and just roll my eyes. Seriously out of all the guys i had to spill a drink on it had to be him. 

"You know i didn't mind your hands up and down my chest" he says in a seductive tone

"Ya well thats not happening anymore, so bye, and sorry about the shirt" i start too walk off but he grabs my wrist and pulls be back. Not this again...

"Come with me" he starts pulling me away to who knows where. This probably isn't such a good idea, he's the badest boy in the whole school and he is dragging me somewhere. As he pulls me i franticly search for Andrea somewhere but she's no where to be seen. 

He brings me into the washroom and then locks the door. Oh no this isn't good. Maybe i can jump out of the window. It can't be that hard right? 

He starts un buttoning his shirt... oh dear lord i can't look. I cover my eyes with my hands and scream. 

" Geez shut up, why are you screaming?" He grunts

"im not having you know what with James so just leave me alone." 

He laughs at me and then just hands me his shirt. As he hands me his shirts i sneak a peak at his abs and.... they were beautiful. "stop checking me out and clean my shirt" I snap out of my phase and look at him confused. So he locked me in the washroom with him just so i could clean his shirt? Alright that sounds pretty convincing. 

"oh alright i will clean your shirt" 

James just smiles and starts walking towards the door. He walks by me and smacks my ass then says "leave it on the shower rack to dry" then he opens the door and walks away. I'm shocked by how rude he is. God i hate him. I see Andrea taking shots across the hall from the washroom so quickly leave the washroom grab her and lock her back into the washroom. "What was that for Bella?" she says looking quiet tipsy if i do say so. 

"Why did you leave me i came to this party with you, I'm new around here" 

"Come take shots with us Bells, and if you don't mind me asking why are you holding a soaking wet shirt in your hand?" 

"Too long of a story to explain right now but i will explain later when your sober" i pat her back lightly 

"Alright whatever, NOW LETS GO PARTYY" she shouts.

"K I'm coming just give me a minute i will meet you out there" she winks at me and then leaves. I open the window to the washroom and throw James shirt out of it. I hear someone scream so i  guessing it hit someone...whoops. "sorry" i shout down. James deserves his shirt being tossed he was an ass to me and actually touched my ass too without permission. Rude.

I see Andrea and run to her. Liam and Colton are there too, they are all holding shot glasses with tequila in them. Andrea hands me one and then lifts her glass up. "Lets drink to new friendships" she smiles at me kindly. We all smack our glasses together laugh as we drink and cheer. Im actually having so much fun but the one thought that keeps circling my mind is why am i attracted to James?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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