Chapter 2

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Authors note: heey guys I'm back! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter as much as I did:) im not going to be able to update for a week since im going on vacation. theres a chance i will but most likely no. always remember to comment, vote and enjoy! Love you all but back to the story! Enjoy everyone ......:D ~ Bella💞


"MOM IM HOOME" I scream as I walk into the house. Oh wait how stupid am I? She told me this morning she will be home late. Looks like I'm all alone. I run to my room and just seeing it makes me happy. This move has been so great! I love the house, school and the people. Okay maybe not everyone but still you get what I'm saying.

I jump onto my bed and just lye there for a few minutes before bringing myself to do my homework. It didn't take long so now I have so much spare time on my hands and nothing to do. After debating whether or not I should do something productive I text Andrea and ask her if she wants to hangout. Quickly she replies with a sad face saying she can't hangout. Maybe Liam? So I text him.

*heey Liam it's Bella, Andrea added your number to my phone*

*oh hey Bella! What's up?*

*I'm bored so I was wondering if you want to go see a movie or something* oh shit. That sounded like I'm asking him out. I really don't feel that way about him though.

* I can't tonight I have a football game. How bout tomorrow?*

*ya tomorrow works see you Liam*

I hear footsteps in the house. Mom must be home! I shut my phone off and throw it onto the bed. "MOM"? I call out

"And once again you blew yet another ear drum" my mom jokes as I see that she was right behind me. She looks happy I guess that means work went good.

"How was work"?

"It was good very tiring though, I need coffee"! She starts to run to the kitchen.

Already she is making a another cup. What am I going to do with her?

" how many cups of coffee have you had so far mom". I smirk at her already knowing the answer.

"Ummm two this is my third " she stutters.


"Fine five this would be my sixth". And there's the answer I was looking for.

"You can't have six cups of coffee before 4 o'clock mom"! She is defiantly crazy.

" I've been doing it ever since your born so I think I'll be fine" she pats my head and takes a sip of her newly brewed coffee.

"How was the first day?" She asks. " it went actually pretty good! I made friends....."

She smiles at me"that's fantastic sweetie" she pulls me in for a hug I hug her back.

"So...." She says while still in each others embrace. "Any boys?" She pulls back from the hug so she can look at my face.

" No" yes James..... "But there was a jerk who grabbed my butt so I kneed him in his.......well ....balls"

"That's my daughter I love and are proud of" she high fives me then starts laughing.

"Can we go to the movies "? I ask her while giving her the puppy dog look. "Don't give me that look, I already accept the offer. You think I would say no to the movies? Hell no, Let's go" I laugh at her.

I love her so much she is more like a sister then a mom when you think about it.


"That movie was awesome" my mother and I both shout as we exit the theatre. " Jennifer Aniston looks so good! I hope to look that good when I'm her age" my mom jokes. " your going to look better then that mom your beautiful" i give her a big toothy grin. " there's that gorgeous smile I don't see enough of" She pitches my cheeks and I slap her hand away. " We going home now"? As I see we are passing our car. " nope, we're going to get ice cream" she giggles as she says that. Oh mom.... " RACE YOU THERE " before I can even respond to her she is making a b line for the little ice cream shop down the street. No way am I letting her beat me. I start running as fast as I can. She got a way head start and I don't think I can catch up. Damn it. I see her run into the shop and jump up and down. Slowing my pace I walk over to her. "You had such a head start "

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