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Bold are flashbacks, things Harry said when he was still with Violet.

Enjoy loves! .xx - J


And being here without you, is like waking up to; only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite. I'm walking 'round with just one shoe, I'm Half a Heart without you. - One Direction.


Violet - Sunday

Lydia's date turned out like every date does.


She's been calling m about it all morning now. half crying and squealing everytime she mentions Niall. Trust me, I love her till the end. But now, she was annoying the living hell out of me. I know she loves Niall, but she acts like they just met and she's falling in love. Which she isn't, she's already in love.

           "And then we kissed. Oh my god Violet!" She squeals and I roll to my other side on the way to big bed. I had her on speaker and honestly, I wasn't listening at all. I look to Harry's pillow and inhale, smelling Harry's cologne. He always wore Calvin Klein and his hair smelled like apples. I'm going mad, god.

           "Violet?" I hear Lydia through the speaker and I sigh, "Yes I'm here, go on."

           "That was it."

            "Very cute Lyd." I say, trying to sound enthousiast but failed.

           "Jezus Christ Violet. I know Harry is gone and won't answer, but that doesn't mean you can be a bitch to me when I tell you something!" She snaps at me and I frown, sitting up.

           "Excuse me?"

           "Yes Violet, you're being a bitch!"

Wow hold up.

           "I didn't do anything wrong Lydia."

           "You ignored me when I told you something."  She snaps again and I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

           "One, that doesn't make me a bitch. Two, I was listening. Three, I'm sorry I'm not in the mood for sappy stories."

           "You were listening huh? Then what did I say?"

           "Niall picked you up with his Audi and gave you flowers. Then you two went to the Italian restaurant and ordered Spaghetti which turned out like that Disney film with the dogs. Then you went to the fair and he took you to the horror house, in where he held you in entire time. After that, you two bought cotton candy and played a few games. And at last, you went to the Wheel and kissed at the top. Good enough?" I say the last quite harshly and hang up immediately. If she thinks I'm a bitch. I'll be the bitch.

I lay down again and sigh deeply, letting the tears fall. Everyone leaves, no matter what. Lydia hates me now, Niall will choose her side and Harry is out in the middle of nowhere, being an hero. And I? I'm lying on our bed, being the pathetic girlfriend I am. No school, only one job once in awhile and no friends, not anymore.

I put my Phone and go to Spotify, putting Shawn Mendes' album Handwritten of shuffle. His music calms me down, well good enough for now.

Oh there she goes again

Every morning is the same

You walk on by my house

I want to call out your name

I sigh and burry my face in the duvet as Imagination starts playing. This song is very catchy and has me in tears everytime.

I keep craving, craving

You don't know it but it's true

Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

I guess that's what always happens. I couldn't get one word out when I saw Harry and he just chuckled at it, showing those adorable dimples of his. His hair was short and his eyes looked younger, but he still was the same Harry as now. My Harry. I remember what he said, being the cocky boy he was... Or well still is.

"You're the first girl I made speechless love. Hopefully it's all good things."

I turned bright red after that. I indeed was staring at him with full admiration. He was flawless, especially those emerald twinkling green eyes.

I smile at the thoughts and get out of bed, walking downstairs to the kitchen. I make myself a cup of tea, sitting on the counter with my Phone waiting for it to finish. I got a message from Lydia which made me sigh in relieve.


I'm sorry Vi, I thought you didn't listen. I know you're very stressed and I'm only making it worse. I'll come by tonight with Chinese, okay? xx


It's nothing Lyd, I'm glad I didn't lose you too. I'll see you tonight! x

I smile at the message and put it away. I hop off the counter and grab the milk, pouring it in the tea. Yes of course, I drink my tea with milk. I used to drink it with sugar too, but I went on a diet and learned to drink it without. Which is still as good as with, just saying.

I walk to the living room and stand in front of the TV, turning it on and watching the news.

"Terrorists in Afghanistan located Britsh soldiers and blew up several buildings and created a blood bath by shooting around. The base of Cupido, Oddysseys and Arthur are hit and ruined. There are 210 death soldiers which are who'm families are being called and hunderth are badly wounded. Our thoughts go to the family who lost loved ones."

My breath quicken as I remember Harry's word. It can't be...

"I'm going to base Arthur. It will remind me of you because you are obsessed with the tales of King Arthur and Merlin."

As on que, the phone rang and I dropped my cup of tea.

Oh my god.

Dear Harry,

Where are you?

Please don't let it be true...

I need you...

I love you...

Come Home

Your sincerly.

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