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Your pillow's wet, from all these tears I've cried. I won't say goodbye. I tried to smile today, then I realised there's no point anyway. - Little Mix


Violet - Tuesday

Still nothing.

Whoever the person was, hasn't called back. I have no idea what happened to Harry and I have a feeling I won't ever know. My parents called too, asking if I knew something but I don't as I said. I'd do anything to get a little information. I should call someone, if I only knew which number to call. Harry told me to do nothing if he didn't answer my letters, but I don't know how long I can keep that promise. I just need answers, that's all.

           "Violet, are you okay?" My boss, Mrs. Johnson asks me with a worried face and I give her a fake smile, nodding my head.

           "Of course Mrs, just thinking."

I work at the flower shop in town. Nothing big, but it's lovely. Mrs. Johnson is my boss, but actually she's more like my grandmother. She's an old lady, very nice though. She cares for me, more than a boss should. She's amazing.

           "With your head in the clouds?" She grins and I laugh lightly in agreement, wrapping up some white lelies.

More like thunder if you ask me.

           "So... How's this Harry boy?" She asks me out of interest and sits down on the chair in front of me. I sigh and shrug my shoulders, grabbing more lelies.

           "He's good... I think."

           "He's in the army now right?" She asks and I nod, not looking up. There won't ever be a time where I can talk normal about this.

           "I was wondering Mrs. Johnson... Is it possible if I can get free in a couple of months." I ask silently and Mrs. Johnson chuckles, nodding her head, "Of course dear, going on a holiday with friends?"

           "N-No... I um... I'm pregnant." I say quite embarrassed and Mrs. Johnson widens her eyes, jumping up and clapping her hands.

           "You are pregnant! Oh my goodness! Congratulations! You and Harry are having a little one!"

I laugh at her excitement and nod my head, we are having a little one. Only I'm not as excited as she is...

            "Of course you can take the time Violet!" She smiles and I thank her, going back to my work. Mrs. Johnson leaves after, saying goodbye and graduating me again.

I sigh when I put the last flowers away, looking around. I need to find better work, that will pay enough for a family. But I don't think I can leave this place. It's grown too attached to me honestly.

My shift ends by the time Mrs. Johnson has come back and I walk to her room, knocking politely. She looks up and smiles widely.

           "I'm heading home." I tell her with a small smile and she nods.

           "Okay, I'll see you Saturday?" She asks even though she knows I'll be here but I still nod.

           "Yep, see you Saturday."

           "You'll be a perfect mom Violet." She smiles at me and I blush, looking down. If I just believed her...

We said goodbye and I left the shop, calling a taxi and going back to my house. I pay the driver and walk up the porch, unlocking the door and getting in. Work was a distraction, a good distraction. But now we had to get back to the real life.

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