Bill Cipher's plan

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Dipper and Mabel got into Gravity Falls as the pink, orange sun shined down through the thick trees that were now dark green. They got to the Mystery Shack and saw the Stan twins, Wendy, and Soos, they all went over and hugged and talked then they went inside. Dipper and Mabel went upstairs to their own rooms and unpacked Dipper got the room with the glass paned triangle window, while Mabel got the other room, then Dipper and Mabel went downstairs to eat and laugh..


They had just finished dinner and Dipper had fell down laughing at Grunkle Stanley's joke when they heard a knock on the old, oak, door. Dipper went and he said "I'll get it" and opened the door to find a man standing there, he wore a yellow tuxedo -like outfit, with black sleeves and gloves, the gloves came elbow length, he wore black pants that went down to black shoes, his hair was golden, he had a black eye patch covering his right eye, and he wore a bowtie, and on top of his head was a black top hat.  The man came towards him and said "Hey Pine tree long time no see huh?" Dipper only knew one person that called him that, he said "B-Bill?" and the man chuckled and said "It's yours truly" and he laughed as Dipper turned beet red. Dipper thought "Wow he is hot" forgetting that Bill could read minds Bill laughed and said "Thanks for the compliment Pine tree" and Dipper turned a even deeper shade of red. Bill dissapered and DIpper ran towards his room saying to everyone "goodnight" and he went upstairs to find Bill sitting on his bed waiting. Bill said "Why are you up here so early and when did you come back" in a sad tone "I thought you would never come back", Dipper said "Well you knew that i was only here for the summer i had to go back" Bill said sadly " I missed you so much and i had one surprise for you but you left before it happened" Dipper suspiciously said "what was that surpri-" but he didn't get the chance to finish as Bill grabbed and kissed him then Bill dissapered. Bill smiled as he watched Dipper blush and get into bed and he said to himself "Finally my plans in action Pine tree is gonna fall for me" 

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