omg i can't figure out titles

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Dipper woke up in a dark, damp room, he adjusted his eyes to see some machines, he wondered out loud "Where am i" and a dark, chuckle could be heard from the right side in a dark corner. Dipper struggled only to see he was tied to the wall, the chuckle got louder as someone stepped foreward and Dipper knew who it was "Gideon" Dipper spat as the dark shadow revealed the white, haired boy who Dipper had sent to jail all those years ago, "You left before i could introduce my new friend hun" Gideon said his grin turning wider as the black shadow moved to see a demon, with red eyes. Dipper pushed foreward trying to escape from the rough rope as the demon took out a knife, the demon handed the knife to Gideon and he said "How about we play a game hon if i win you will be forced to love me, and if you win i have to let you go hon" Gideon stepped foreward and cut a slash on Dipper's face leaving a bloody cut that started to bleed down his face, Dipper hissed in pain as Gideon then started to cut his arms into the shape of Gideon's tent, Dipper hissed again and started to tug at the link before he passed out from the pain.


Bill turned blue as he slowly fell to the ground to pick up the blood covered hat, then as he stood up his feet lifting back up from the hard floor he turned a deep red and he got so mad that his iris turned red, claws appearing through his clenched fist. Mabel came up and yelled "BILL STOP YOU DON'T NEED TO GET MAD" Bill knew she was right and he calmed down the claws slowly dissapering from his hands, his eye turning back to normal and he calmed down, then he felt a tug in the link it was weak but there and he said to Mabel, and Stan "I felt a tug i can find him" and he dissapered from the room. Bill appeared at a old, abandoned wearhouse, he flew inside to see trash littered around the room and stairs leading down, Bill flew down the stairs to see Gideon finishing cutting the star on Dipper's arms, another demon, and Dipper "He isn't moving" Bill thought to himself then he grew so mad that he glowed red again, and he sprouted claws, his eye glowed red and he raced foreward punching Gideon, and picking him up Bill threw him into a wall then he pulled his cane out and faced the demon. The demon glared and in a deep voice he growled "Bill Cipher i've been waiting"  and Bill said "It's been a long time let's finish this once and for all" and he twisted his cane to reveal a long sword, the demon's eyes glowed bright as a big iron sword, laced with holy water apperead and they both ran at each other, Bill's eyes shined bright blue as he sliced the demon's head leaving a bloody wound, the demon tried to hit Bill but Bill's anger proved stronger as he completly sliced the demon's head off sending blood everywhere. He glowed brightly and his claws dissapered, his red eye turned yellow as he raced over and melting the binds picked Dipper up and cradled him, as they were exiting Dipper slowly opened his hazel eyes to see Bill staring ahead, he looked down to see that they were heading to the mystery shack and he got up and started to walk. Bill just picked him up again and kissed him saying "Pine tree you're ok kid i thought that Gideon had killed you" Dipper laughed and said "I wouldn't give Gideon that satisfaction" and they both went inside. As Dipper stepped through the pine door he was suddenly tackled by Mabel who yelled "DIPPINGSAUCE" and she hugged him, they bothed laughed and they went upstairs being followed by Bill, Dipper looked at his arms to see no blood whatsoever and Dipper and Mabel went upstairs with Dipper telling her about Gideon and the demon.........


IM SO FUCKING EVIL AlSO i have no idea what to do now for a story so umm any idea's guys let me know in the comments :3

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